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 New Release Media Companion gen2 3.244

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PostSubject: New Release Media Companion gen2 3.244   New Release Media Companion gen2 3.244 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 21, 2010 11:25 pm

Changes for new version 3.244

  • Bugfix - If a font had not been selected then an exception was raised when entering the general preferences.

  • Bugfix - Adding a TV Show Root and then using the 'TV Show Selector' when MC was auto scraping would cause a conflict that in effect removed the new show from the list, until I can figure a way to stop people scraping shows that are being scraped by MC I have disabled the 'TV Show Selector' while TV shows are being auto scraped.

  • Change - The biggest issue that people seem to be having with scraping TV Episodes is when they have the show sort order set to 'DVD' when only the 'Default' order is listed, to avoid this happening I have tweaked the TV episode scraper so that if an episode is not found using 'DVD' order then MC will attempt to find the episode using 'Default' order

Most of my programming time over the last week has been spent on the table view, it is now fully useable with the following functionality:
  • Data can now be edited
  • Combobox selection for Sets
  • Checkbox selection for Watched Status
  • Column position and width is saved between sessions
  • Columns can be displayed or hidden according to preference - also saved between sessions
  • Changes to any movies in the list can be saved at any time using the save button, if any changes are made then a dialogue will be offered when the table view is exited.
Over the next week I intend to spend a little more time on the table view, a context menu would be nice for some features, eg Set all selected as watched etc. Any ideas in this regard would be helpful.

I also intend to take a close look at the drag and drop scraper, I had pretty much forgotton about its existence, and there are probably quite a few features needed by MC that are missing.

As many of you may know there is an issue regarding dvd image files and media tags, the problem is related to mediainfo.dll. I have read that there is a newer version of the mediainfo.dll file that does not have this issue, I don't actually use DVD images, so if anyone does and wants to try to experiment a little, please let me know if you find a more suitable version of the library.

Report bugs in the appropriate forum, or bump them if they remain unaddressed, I occasionally loose track of what I am supposed to be doing and my memory often needs jogging.

Download Version 3.244



Last edited by billyad2000 on Sun Mar 28, 2010 9:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: New Release Media Companion gen2 3.244   New Release Media Companion gen2 3.244 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 23, 2010 11:39 pm

how about adding aired/absolute thetvdb naming scheme?
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PostSubject: Re: New Release Media Companion gen2 3.244   New Release Media Companion gen2 3.244 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 24, 2010 1:51 am

The season episode re-namer is awesome. Is there a way to implement it at the TV show root level so instead of doing each season, we could do a whole tv show at a time?
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PostSubject: Thanks but a small suggestion/request   New Release Media Companion gen2 3.244 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 24, 2010 11:28 pm

I just found your program last night and it has made creating my library in XBMC so much easier. I have movies and TV shows and being able to set it all up in one place is pretty nice.

I ran into something that has become quite annoying to me though. When I add my TV shows, it doesn't identify the title of the show from the folder because I have additional information in the folder name other than the show's title i.e. "Bones - Season 2 (hdtv xvid) or Stargate Atlantis (dvdrip xvid)". I was able to get all my shows identified by going into each one and using the TV Show Selector to change the search phrase to only include the title and leave off the stuff in the parentheses and it would find the show no problem. However, I always had to wait for it to search TVDB for the title before I could change it and if it couldn't find it when it added it, it is unlikely to find it now. There were a couple shows that actually did return some results, but for the vast majority of my shows, I had to wait for the search to finish, then change the title and hit search again.

I really have two suggestions/requests. First, it would be nice if it would just ignore the stuff in the parentheses when searching for a show so it would actually recognize most of my shows. Second would be to not have it initiate a search as soon as you click on the TV Show Selector tab. I would like it to allow me to make changes to the search term before searching.

Thanks again for the cool and useful program. I look forward to future versions.
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PostSubject: Re: New Release Media Companion gen2 3.244   New Release Media Companion gen2 3.244 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 25, 2010 12:40 am

wolf00 wrote:
I really have two suggestions/requests. First, it would be nice if it would just ignore the stuff in the parentheses when searching for a show so it would actually recognize most of my shows. Second would be to not have it initiate a search as soon as you click on the TV Show Selector tab. I would like it to allow me to make changes to the search term before searching.

Thanks again for the cool and useful program. I look forward to future versions.

Welcome to the MC forum.

Believe it or not up until a few builds each show had to be selected manually, and it was mainly due to the users on this forum that I automated it.

I will add a filter to remove the stuff in the parentheses, or rather just cut the string before the opening parenthesis, trimming any spaces and punctuation from the resulting string.

Maybe I will add some kind of method that lists new folders in editable textboxes that can be adjusted before scraping, I'll have to have a think about it.
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PostSubject: clarification   New Release Media Companion gen2 3.244 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 25, 2010 12:45 am

I like that it automatically tries to identify the shows. What I would prefer it not do is when you select a show and click on the TV Show Selector tab and it automatically searches for the show. I guess it wouldn't be a big deal if TVDB were faster, but it seems that at times it can take 30 seconds to a minute to fail the search. It would just be nicer to be able to edit the search field before the search. And it isn't that difficult to just hit the search button if you don't want to modify the search string. You are already selecting the show from your list of shows and clicking the TV Show Selector tab so one more click wouldn't be a big deal. But those times that you want to change it, it would be nice not to have to wait for it to fail first.

Thanks again for your hard work on this.
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PostSubject: Re: New Release Media Companion gen2 3.244   New Release Media Companion gen2 3.244 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 25, 2010 1:11 am

A thought on the whole automation thing. Why would you be expecting it to fail before you start a search (needing you to edit the terms)? A smarter move might be to edit the name of the show folder to try to get the correct result the first time (put in year of the first season for example). Editing 1 folder name is faster than having to manually scan 10/20/30/... tv shows.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong and the change I've suggested actually needs to be made to the first episode being scanned.
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PostSubject: Re: New Release Media Companion gen2 3.244   New Release Media Companion gen2 3.244 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 25, 2010 1:36 am

I don't think it's a matter of right or wrong, just different use cases.

I agree that it would probably be easier to rename the directory so that it will be found in the search, however, I have my folder names include additional information like the video quality of the show (dvd, hdtv, etc). Also, in my case, it wouldn't be changing one folder name, it would be changing them all. And because of the way I have my folder structure laid out, I actually have to do it another time for any of the shows that are currently airing (I have one folder for completed seasons and one for current shows so I can easily find shows that are currently airing without having to sort through all my shows).

Also, as I said before, if the show can be found automatically, then there wouldn't be a need to use the TV Show Selector tab. The only reason that comes to my mind is if you have a show that has multiple versions (like Knight Rider or one of the other remakes) and you need to change it to the right version. And in that case, you are already selecting the show and then clicking the tab. It wouldn't take more than another second or two to click the search button. On the other hand, if you have a show that you need to change the name of in order for the search to find it, waiting for the search to fail before you can do anything is pretty annoying.

Maybe this isn't a problem for most people or most of the time, but TVDB seems to be responding really slowly today and I would prefer not to have to sit through an extra, pointless search.

Right now it's just an annoyance that I am putting up with because I won't be doing this all that much (at least not until the summer shows start up and then the fall shows), but if something could be done in the application to help me out, that would be great.

billyad2000: Something I thought of is maybe you could add something in the options to allow people to choose if they want to automatically search TVDB when they click on the TV Show Selector tab? That way people like me can turn it off, but people that like it can keep it.
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PostSubject: Re: New Release Media Companion gen2 3.244   New Release Media Companion gen2 3.244 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 25, 2010 1:38 am

billyad2000 wrote:

I will add a filter to remove the stuff in the parentheses, or rather just cut the string before the opening parenthesis, trimming any spaces and punctuation from the resulting string.

Something to keep in mind here is that people put the year of the show in parentheses, like Knight Rider (2008), so maybe only strip the parentheses if it doesn't contain numbers so Knight Rider (2008) (dvdrip xvid) becomes Knight Rider (2008)?

Just a thought.
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PostSubject: Re: New Release Media Companion gen2 3.244   New Release Media Companion gen2 3.244 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 26, 2010 3:57 am

I ran a comparison of the stock version of mediainfo.dll and the current version at The version that ships with MC, v0.7.20, took 8 minutes to parse an .iso file on my system. When i dropped in the current version, 0.7.29, it took maybe 10-15 seconds. Almost as fast as an .avi or .mkv file.
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PostSubject: Re: New Release Media Companion gen2 3.244   New Release Media Companion gen2 3.244 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 26, 2010 10:15 am

khaoohs wrote:
I ran a comparison of the stock version of mediainfo.dll and the current version at The version that ships with MC, v0.7.20, took 8 minutes to parse an .iso file on my system. When i dropped in the current version, 0.7.29, it took maybe 10-15 seconds. Almost as fast as an .avi or .mkv file.

Thanks for the heads up, i'll include this version from the next build.
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PostSubject: Re: New Release Media Companion gen2 3.244   New Release Media Companion gen2 3.244 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 26, 2010 6:14 pm

I have problem scraping some of my anime shows which use`s thetvdb`s Aired Order/Absolute Order.

You will notice that when selecting DVD order for the above show no episode numbers are listed
like with many other anime/manga examples.

I notice only DVD/default order in MC
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PostSubject: Re: New Release Media Companion gen2 3.244   New Release Media Companion gen2 3.244 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 28, 2010 6:10 am

i don't know what's going on with tvdb, but i'm having a hard time retrieving episode 20 of the tv show "Community". the details and screenshot are on the tvdb site, but media companion says it can't find it.
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PostSubject: tvdb   New Release Media Companion gen2 3.244 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 28, 2010 7:46 am

I've been having problems with their site over the last couple days as well. Sometimes it's just slow, sometimes it doesn't respond and a few times it will not provide the info for an episode.
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PostSubject: Re: New Release Media Companion gen2 3.244   New Release Media Companion gen2 3.244 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 28, 2010 1:11 pm

ingeon wrote:
I have problem scraping some of my anime shows which use`s thetvdb`s Aired Order/Absolute Order.

You will notice that when selecting DVD order for the above show no episode numbers are listed
like with many other anime/manga examples.

I notice only DVD/default order in MC

Default is the same as aired order.
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PostSubject: Re: New Release Media Companion gen2 3.244   New Release Media Companion gen2 3.244 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 28, 2010 5:16 pm

wolf00 wrote:
I've been having problems with their site over the last couple days as well. Sometimes it's just slow, sometimes it doesn't respond and a few times it will not provide the info for an episode.

must be something on tvdb's end then. i hope they can fix it soon.
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PostSubject: Re: New Release Media Companion gen2 3.244   New Release Media Companion gen2 3.244 Icon_minitimeSun May 22, 2011 11:50 am

please look this site ,you will find all the things are very cheap and beautiful,you want to look? [url=]Pearl Necklace[/url]
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PostSubject: Re: New Release Media Companion gen2 3.244   New Release Media Companion gen2 3.244 Icon_minitime

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