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 Exclude folder - is there a way?

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Exclude folder - is there a way? Empty
PostSubject: Exclude folder - is there a way?   Exclude folder - is there a way? Icon_minitimeWed Apr 07, 2010 1:25 am

Is there any way to exclude a folder (i.e. sub-folder) from being scraped?

The problem I'm trying to solve is when I have .avi files AND full DVD folder structures in the same top level folder, e.g.

Music Videos\John Mayer - Where The Light Is (2008).avi
Music Video\George Michael - Live In London (2009)\Disc One\VIDEO_TS
Music Video\George Michael - Live In London (2009)\Disc Two\VIDEO_TS

Having the DVD folder structures results in them constantly getting scraped as:

Scraping Title:- Disc One
Output filename:- \\antserver6\m$\Video\Music Video\George Michael - Live In London (2009)\Disc One\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.nfo
Poster Path:- \\antserver6\m$\Video\Music Video\George Michael - Live In London (2009)\Disc One\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.tbn
Fanart Path:- \\antserver6\m$\Video\Music Video\George Michael - Live In London (2009)\Disc One\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS-fanart.jpg
NFO does not exist
Checking filename for IMDB ID
No IMDB ID found
Checking for Movie year in filename
Year found for movie:- 2009
Cleaned Title for search :- Disc One
Movie Body Scraped OKActors scraped OKMovie added to list

Scraping Title:- Disc Two
Output filename:- \\antserver6\m$\Video\Music Video\George Michael - Live In London (2009)\Disc Two\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.nfo
Poster Path:- \\antserver6\m$\Video\Music Video\George Michael - Live In London (2009)\Disc Two\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.tbn
Fanart Path:- \\antserver6\m$\Video\Music Video\George Michael - Live In London (2009)\Disc Two\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS-fanart.jpg
NFO does not exist
Checking filename for IMDB ID
No IMDB ID found
Checking for Movie year in filename
Year found for movie:- 2009
Cleaned Title for search :- Disc Two
Movie Body Scraped OKActors scraped OKMovie added to list

and now I have Cartoon Galaxy: Disc One (2009) and Cartoon Galaxy: Disc Two (2009) in my movie list.

I have manually entered the details to create a .nfo in the George Michael - Live In London (2009) folder level so I'm looking for a way of preventing the DVD folder structure from being scraped.

My initial thought is that some sort of ability to expand a top level folder to then allow selection of subfolders to exclude scraping would be handy.

Last edited by AnthonyB on Wed Apr 07, 2010 3:53 am; edited 1 time in total
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Exclude folder - is there a way? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Exclude folder - is there a way?   Exclude folder - is there a way? Icon_minitimeWed Apr 07, 2010 2:07 am

Try the following:
'Music Video\George Michael - Live In London (2009) - disk 1\VIDEO_TS\
'Music Video\George Michael - Live In London (2009) - disk 2\VIDEO_TS\

I can't remember how I setup DVD folders, but the VIDEO_TS folder will be ignored, and the disk 1 should be cleaned from the movie title resulting in the correct movie being scraped and disk 2 will be ignored.

If this does not work then let me know and i'll investigate further.
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Exclude folder - is there a way? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Exclude folder - is there a way?   Exclude folder - is there a way? Icon_minitimeWed Apr 07, 2010 4:02 am

Thanks Billy.

Scraping Title:- George Michael - Live In London (2009) - Disc One
Output filename:- \\antserver6\m$\Video\Music Video\George Michael - Live In London (2009) - Disc One\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.nfo
Poster Path:- \\antserver6\m$\Video\Music Video\George Michael - Live In London (2009) - Disc One\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.tbn
Fanart Path:- \\antserver6\m$\Video\Music Video\George Michael - Live In London (2009) - Disc One\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS-fanart.jpg
NFO does not exist
Checking filename for IMDB ID
No IMDB ID found
Checking for Movie year in filename
Year found for movie:- 2009
Cleaned Title for search :- George Michael - Live In London
Movie Body Scraped OKActors scraped OKPoster scraped and saved OK
Saving Fanart As :- \\antserver6\m$\Video\Music Video\George Michael - Live In London (2009) - Disc One\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS-fanart.jpg
Fanart not resized
Movie added to list

I changed the pathing to:

\Music Video\George Michael - Live In London (2009) - Disc One
\Music Video\George Michael - Live In London (2009) - Disc Two

Scraping Title:- George Michael - Live In London (2009) - Disc Two
Output filename:- \\antserver6\m$\Video\Music Video\George Michael - Live In London (2009) - Disc Two\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.nfo
Poster Path:- \\antserver6\m$\Video\Music Video\George Michael - Live In London (2009) - Disc Two\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.tbn
Fanart Path:- \\antserver6\m$\Video\Music Video\George Michael - Live In London (2009) - Disc Two\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS-fanart.jpg
NFO does not exist
Checking filename for IMDB ID
No IMDB ID found
Checking for Movie year in filename
Year found for movie:- 2009
Cleaned Title for search :- George Michael - Live In London
Movie Body Scraped OKActors scraped OKPoster scraped and saved OK
Saving Fanart As :- \\antserver6\m$\Video\Music Video\George Michael - Live In London (2009) - Disc Two\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS-fanart.jpg
Fanart not resized
Movie added to list

So it still scraped both folders and I have 2 movie entries in my list but it did scrape the correct movie this time Smile
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Exclude folder - is there a way? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Exclude folder - is there a way?   Exclude folder - is there a way? Icon_minitimeWed Apr 07, 2010 11:52 am

I'll look into why it is scraping both folders, I suspect it is because I didn't expect people to have movies of any kind on more than one dvd.

I'll fix it for the next build.
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Exclude folder - is there a way? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Exclude folder - is there a way?   Exclude folder - is there a way? Icon_minitimeWed Apr 07, 2010 12:51 pm

Thanks Billy!

Curse those 2 x DVD movies!
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Exclude folder - is there a way? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Exclude folder - is there a way?   Exclude folder - is there a way? Icon_minitime

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