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 can't conncect to the internet

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can't conncect to the internet Empty
PostSubject: can't conncect to the internet   can't conncect to the internet Icon_minitimeMon May 10, 2010 2:18 am

I can't get MC to connect to the internet. when I scrape a movie it won't connect and gives the can't display web page screen. Of course my internet is connected and no other programs having issues.
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can't conncect to the internet Empty
PostSubject: Re: can't conncect to the internet   can't conncect to the internet Icon_minitimeMon May 10, 2010 3:05 am

Perhaps you need to give MC access through your firewall?
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can't conncect to the internet Empty
PostSubject: Re: can't conncect to the internet   can't conncect to the internet Icon_minitimeMon May 10, 2010 3:29 am

As Payback said, it could be that your OS firewall is blocking MC.

MC needs to access the internet via port 80 - I can't think of any other reason why this would occur.
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Junior Member
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can't conncect to the internet Empty
PostSubject: Re: can't conncect to the internet   can't conncect to the internet Icon_minitimeMon May 10, 2010 5:37 am

ya I tried that, I disabled my firewall all together and still no luck. I just noticed that itunes can't connect either. obviously not a problem with MC....
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Junior Member
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can't conncect to the internet Empty
PostSubject: Re: can't conncect to the internet   can't conncect to the internet Icon_minitimeMon May 10, 2010 5:59 am

not sure why but I reset internet explorer settings to default and it fixed my issue with explore, itunes and MC. (I just realized that I had the issue with itunes as well) I never ever use IE. Not sure what happened, but that did the trick.
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PostSubject: Re: can't conncect to the internet   can't conncect to the internet Icon_minitime

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