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 If someone has already asked...

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PostSubject: If someone has already asked...   If someone has already asked... Icon_minitimeWed May 19, 2010 5:25 pm

then disregard this. A couple of features I would like to see are:
ability to rename files/folders
use outline for for plot if no plot found

Thought I'd just throw this out there and see. Thanks for a great program cheers
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PostSubject: Re: If someone has already asked...   If someone has already asked... Icon_minitimeThu May 20, 2010 1:55 am

Yes you can rename TV Show episodes at the moment (Right Click on TVShow,Season or Episode) - The rename format is determined by a setting in the TVShow preferences.

The Outline instead of plot is not implemented as yet. I have had a few shows like that. When I see one I just highlight &copy the outline & paste it into the plot & save. Its not automatic but it only effects a few shows.

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If someone has already asked... Empty
PostSubject: Re: If someone has already asked...   If someone has already asked... Icon_minitimeMon Oct 18, 2010 7:37 pm

Thought I`d ask here.

Some features i`d like to suggest/see:

Under 'Movie preferences' and option to only scrape actors with thumbnails.

Also an option to only scrape fanart and posters for a specific language.Most of my English movies scrape funny foreign posters.

Also maybe display the video and audio quality/channels etc. on the 'Main Browser' page with logo`s

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PostSubject: i like the artical   If someone has already asked... Icon_minitimeMon Feb 28, 2011 11:00 am

cheers I am in love with the artical,it is so excellent~~
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PostSubject: Re: If someone has already asked...   If someone has already asked... Icon_minitime

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