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 Help on how to use MC

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Help on how to use MC Empty
PostSubject: Help on how to use MC   Help on how to use MC Icon_minitimeFri Jun 04, 2010 11:57 am

Hi! I am new to MC, and i really would need some help to use it, i have tried to search here in the forum for guides or something, but cant find anything on how to use the "newer" versions of MC.

I know there is a 'getting started' guide on mainpage, but it must be for older versions? Because my version, 3.293, doesn't look the same, so i having trouble on how to use it.

Would be fine if anyone could help me with this or know if there are any guide some where for newer versions. Smile

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Help on how to use MC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Help on how to use MC   Help on how to use MC Icon_minitimeTue Jun 08, 2010 12:41 am

I am currently in the middle of creating a user manual for Media Companion, it will be a pretty comprehensive guide covering every part of MC.

I would expect v1 to be finished in the next week, although there will likely be some editing and additions.
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