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 How to make the Blu-Ray / DVD icon show up for offline movies ?

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How to make the Blu-Ray / DVD icon show up for offline movies ? Empty
PostSubject: How to make the Blu-Ray / DVD icon show up for offline movies ?   How to make the Blu-Ray / DVD icon show up for offline movies ? Icon_minitimeSat Jun 05, 2010 1:48 pm

I set up my offline movies recently and i'd like to have the Blu-Ray icon show up for my offline Blu-Rays and DVd icon show up for offline DVDs.
I tried this for BR but it doesnt work.

<container>MPEG-4 AVC</container>

Any help appreciated
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How to make the Blu-Ray / DVD icon show up for offline movies ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How to make the Blu-Ray / DVD icon show up for offline movies ?   How to make the Blu-Ray / DVD icon show up for offline movies ? Icon_minitimeMon Jun 07, 2010 7:51 am

ok how about this...what exactly flags the BR / DVD logo to appear???
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How to make the Blu-Ray / DVD icon show up for offline movies ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How to make the Blu-Ray / DVD icon show up for offline movies ?   How to make the Blu-Ray / DVD icon show up for offline movies ? Icon_minitimeThu Jul 15, 2010 9:28 am

Was about to ask a similar question. Is it possible to distinguish between Blurays and DVDs?

jz1276, were you able to find a way? Gather that a new feature would be required for this?
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How to make the Blu-Ray / DVD icon show up for offline movies ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How to make the Blu-Ray / DVD icon show up for offline movies ?   How to make the Blu-Ray / DVD icon show up for offline movies ? Icon_minitimeThu Sep 23, 2010 5:56 pm

I believe the only way XBMC can determine the type of video (bluray vs divx vs dvd etc) is from the file name, not from the .nfo file.

So if you wanted the Blu Ray icon, the Dolby icon, and the 720p icon to come up for a the movie Inception. You'd want to name the file:


More info on this here:
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How to make the Blu-Ray / DVD icon show up for offline movies ? Empty
PostSubject: crystal earrings   How to make the Blu-Ray / DVD icon show up for offline movies ? Icon_minitimeThu May 12, 2011 6:30 am

Was about to ask a similar question. Is it possible to distinguish between Blurays and DVDs?

jz1276, were you able to find a way? Gather that a new feature would be required for this?
crystal ring

crystal earrings
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How to make the Blu-Ray / DVD icon show up for offline movies ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How to make the Blu-Ray / DVD icon show up for offline movies ?   How to make the Blu-Ray / DVD icon show up for offline movies ? Icon_minitimeFri May 13, 2011 10:53 am

wedd123 wrote:
Was about to ask a similar question. Is it possible to distinguish between Blurays and DVDs?

jz1276, were you able to find a way? Gather that a new feature would be required for this?
crystal ring

crystal earrings

as far as i know, only was is through the file name like killersiafu said
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How to make the Blu-Ray / DVD icon show up for offline movies ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How to make the Blu-Ray / DVD icon show up for offline movies ?   How to make the Blu-Ray / DVD icon show up for offline movies ? Icon_minitimeMon Nov 28, 2011 11:07 am

XBMC is adding a new offline feature in their Eden release (scheduled for end of 2011). I can't post links yet, but the documentation for this is on the XBMC wiki site; Just search "Media Stub Files"

With this feature, you can create a text file within the movie directory, name it using the movie title and add extra info at the end to tell XBMC that it's a disc and what kind. For example, if you have Finding Nemo on Blu-ray you can create a Finding Nemo directory with a blank text file inside. Rename the file "Finding Nemo.bluray.disc" (making sure to get rid of the .txt extension). You can also add some xml info to the file to give a custom message:

  <message>This is on the shelf with the Disney movies</message>

When this gets added to XBMC's library it will show the DVD/Bluray/HDVD/etc. icon in the video information and when you attempt to play the movie it pops up a window saying "Please insert the following disc: <movie title>" and the custom message below that. The window includes a Play button and an Eject/Load button.

To me, this is a better solution than creating dummy video files for everything. I've added the suggestion to the codeplex site.
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How to make the Blu-Ray / DVD icon show up for offline movies ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How to make the Blu-Ray / DVD icon show up for offline movies ?   How to make the Blu-Ray / DVD icon show up for offline movies ? Icon_minitime

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How to make the Blu-Ray / DVD icon show up for offline movies ?
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