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 RunTime/Duration Error and Ember vs. MC

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RunTime/Duration Error and Ember vs. MC Empty
PostSubject: RunTime/Duration Error and Ember vs. MC   RunTime/Duration Error and Ember vs. MC Icon_minitimeThu Sep 02, 2010 12:15 am

I am using Media Companion version 3.317 and am running into problems with my XBMC Live Dharma Beta installation. Whenever I import movies it is showing 1 or 2 minutes as the runtime.

the duration is listed in "#h ##m" format while the runtime is in "### min" and The option to "save media runtime as numerical only" isn't selected.

What do I need to change to make it show up correctly in the library mode of XBMC?

Also, I've seen some other people having this problem and they were using Ember to fix their files, if I loaded up Ember would it read the NFO or just attempt to write entire new ones? (I'd still stay long term with MC because I prefer its interface)

Thanks for your help.

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RunTime/Duration Error and Ember vs. MC
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