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 Looking for flower girl dresses for medieval wedding?

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Looking for flower girl dresses for medieval wedding? Empty
PostSubject: Looking for flower girl dresses for medieval wedding?   Looking for flower girl dresses for medieval wedding? Icon_minitimeFri May 13, 2011 5:46 am

src=""> Most of the ones you will find are very expensive because they aim to be authentic. My suggestion is that you peruse McCalls and Simplicity patterns and find something you like and then have someone sew the dresses for you. I know I've seen patterns for girls in the style that you are doing in the costume section. You just vary the fabrics. You can also handsew the dresses yourself if you don't have a machine. It doesn't take that long when you are sacked out in front of a TV and just doing mindless backstitching. This style is very forgiving with fit.I'm making my own dress by combining several patterns for a more formal Tudor look. However, as you can see by the link below, it's a totally different 'medieval' style than you are seeking. Rivendell bridal are beautiful! A few friends have gone through them and there have been nothing but compliments! Do you want their dresses to match your gown? They are all custom made so maybe they could create something similar and in the same fabric. I would email them and check it out.Where can I find some reasonably priced Bridesmaid Dresses 2011? I am on a tight budget and would rather spend more money on my wedding gown and photographer than a bridesmaid dress which will probably only be worn once by my bridesmaids. I have 4 bridesmaids and I prefer they all have the same Bridesmaid Dresses 2011.I am looking for Plus Size Bridesmaid Dresses for my sister. I am having a huge issue. I want something short and light yellow. Can someone please help! I am trying to find it online because she lives out of state!! HELP!!!
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Looking for flower girl dresses for medieval wedding?
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