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 What are the benefits of buying wedding dresses online?

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What are the benefits of buying wedding dresses online? Empty
PostSubject: What are the benefits of buying wedding dresses online?   What are the benefits of buying wedding dresses online? Icon_minitimeMon May 30, 2011 6:50 am

You can definitely find better bargains online. But you do not know what you are buying. The color can be wrong, it can be damaged, it can be poor quality...all things you do not want to risk on such an important dress. But as I mentioned, you can really get some great deals online. Just be sure to order your dress at least 8-9 months in advance. This way, if there is a problem there is plenty of time to send it back or fix the dress with alterations. A piece of advice is that you may want to go to a local bridal shop and try on different styles so you can see what cut/style dress compliments you the best so you can narrow down your search. Good luck and happy hunting!

Prices can be better online. Selection is definitely bigger online. It's also easier to show the dress to other people (maybe your mother or sister) if you want their opinion but they live far away. Online, if you look at secondhand wedding dress sites or eBay, you'll be able to find styles from last year,Cheap Casual Beach Wedding Dresses, which can be significantly cheaper but look just as fabulous. It's rare for a store to have last year's style unless it's the floor sample. I would also recommend looking online for white prom dresses. Some of them would make great wedding dresses and are much cheaper than a traditional dress. I personally also feel less rushed when shopping online as there's no store person pressuring you to buy something.
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What are the benefits of buying wedding dresses online?
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