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 How do I get it to generate blank nfos for eps not on tvdb etc?

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How do I get it to generate blank nfos for eps not on tvdb etc? Empty
PostSubject: How do I get it to generate blank nfos for eps not on tvdb etc?   How do I get it to generate blank nfos for eps not on tvdb etc? Icon_minitimeSun Jul 24, 2011 10:05 pm

Hi, I have some shows with extras like Bones for example. I put them in folder season 0, and numbered them from s00e02, as there is only one ep under specials on tvdb.

I have tried the scan for new eps option endless times, and it still refuses to generate any nfo files at all. It does work with some other shows, but for most shows it does not work.

I have tried deleting all nfo files for the show, and rescanning but it still wont make nfo files for those extras. Really annoying as you could imagine.

Using version: MC 3.408b Weekly (4011b is too unstable for use)
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How do I get it to generate blank nfos for eps not on tvdb etc? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do I get it to generate blank nfos for eps not on tvdb etc?   How do I get it to generate blank nfos for eps not on tvdb etc? Icon_minitimeTue Jul 26, 2011 3:19 am

Can any dev guys help me out at all? or am I just talking to myself here.
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How do I get it to generate blank nfos for eps not on tvdb etc?
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