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 Allow <fanart> in XML

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Junior Member
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Posts : 19
Join date : 2008-11-12

Allow <fanart> in XML Empty
PostSubject: Allow <fanart> in XML   Allow <fanart> in XML Icon_minitimeFri Nov 21, 2008 5:28 am

When I export from the XBMC Video Library, the resultant XML includes a <fanart> datatype.

For example:

        <fanart url="">
            <thumb preview="images/posters/movies/thumbnails/tt0411061.jpg">images/posters/movies/jpg/tt0411061.jpg</thumb>

If I include this in an NFO that is process by XBMCMC 1.998, the fanart information is all stripped out.

Is there any reason to remove this?

I am asking to keep it in because it appears to be valid XML and valid to XBMC. It would be useful for folks (like me) who are using XBMCMC to manage media collections for use with a Networked Media Tank (aka Popcorn Hour).

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Allow <fanart> in XML
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