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 Way to handle Extras

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Way to handle Extras Empty
PostSubject: Way to handle Extras   Way to handle Extras Icon_minitimeSun Nov 23, 2008 2:29 am

I am one of these peiople that put all their DVDs on the media server *plus* the extras. So I have 1 gazillion X-Files, nicelyt organized by episode but then 5 or so extras which I have then simply continued to number according to the standard scheme, i.e.

X-Files S01E25 - Extras - 1.mkv
X-Files S01E26 - Extras - 2.mkv

Of course, these are not really 'episodes' but the extras tagged on. I would like for them to be listed simply with the name, maybe the general season photo but mostly I just want them to show up with the file title as title.

XBMC doesn't know how to label them in the first place.

Same for movies:

Star Wars A New Hope - Extras 1
Star Wars A New Hope - Extras 2

In essence, just some way to deal with the material that is on the DVD besides the main title. I am not looking for anything fancy, I just want it to show up in the list, maybe exactly like the same movie, just the 'Extras 1/2/3' tagged on. Could be even the same description as pulled from IMDB. I would just like to have it selectable in XBMC via the library.

I hope I could make this clear somehow.
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Way to handle Extras Empty
PostSubject: Re: Way to handle Extras   Way to handle Extras Icon_minitimeSun Nov 23, 2008 1:11 pm

An easy way to do this would be to create an account at TVDB and create episodes for these extras in the specials section.

This would then allow them to scrape whatever information you have added for these extras.
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Way to handle Extras Empty
PostSubject: Re: Way to handle Extras   Way to handle Extras Icon_minitimeTue Nov 25, 2008 5:05 am

Great thinking out of the box! I will give that a whirl.
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PostSubject: Re: Way to handle Extras   Way to handle Extras Icon_minitimeWed Nov 26, 2008 1:10 am

A lot of those extras are probably already there in TVDB. The easiest way to label them is just with S00E##.
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PostSubject: Re: Way to handle Extras   Way to handle Extras Icon_minitime

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