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 Letter and Rating Problem

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Letter and Rating Problem Empty
PostSubject: Letter and Rating Problem   Letter and Rating Problem Icon_minitimeMon Aug 15, 2011 11:06 pm

Hi everybody,

just a few days ago I started using Media Companion. After a few problems I found my way and now I'm pretty satisfied. Only two major problems are left:

1. No rating for movies is scraped. Neither during autoscrape nor batch-rescrape nor manual rescrape...

2. For Episode Titles and Episode / Movie Plots I don't get proper mutated vowels... ä (ae) ö (oe) ü (ue) or ß (ss) in my case since I would like some tv-shows and movies with their german naming...
Instead I get somethzing like this: "überdrüssig" instead of "überdrüssig" or "ueberdruessig"...when I rescrape the episode manually everything is fine, batch rescrape won't help.

Maybe this is more for the bug-forum but maybe it's a known issue and I didn't want to post a bug right-away as a newbie... ;-)

Would be glad for help...all those strange letters are quite annoying in XBMC...and a rating is always welcome for making a choice...


And I forgot: Can I set Media Companion for ignoring "BDMV" Folders? It's trying to scrape my untouched Blu-Rays and thats quite annoying... surely it will be possible since it's ignoring VIDEO_TS already??? Would be grat if one could include something like a list of "to ignore" folder names? e.g. "CD1" and all that stuff.....

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