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 Help with m/c and xbmc sets pls

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Help with m/c and xbmc sets pls Empty
PostSubject: Help with m/c and xbmc sets pls   Help with m/c and xbmc sets pls Icon_minitimeWed Oct 05, 2011 3:06 pm

I've just finished going through my complete movie collection, everything film over 2 files is now labeled cd1 and cd1 in each folder etc so no more doubling up on movies, and everything now has fanart and cover,
my problem is i altered some movies into sets
zacks for my sons films
007 for bond movies
westerns for.....westerns etc
anyway i didn't realise these sets would be boxed together i thought my whole movie collection would be on view but i would be able to just look at a particular set if i wanted to
because i wasn't happy with the way sets work, i went into MC and changed all my movies back to the set of "none"
now when i re-enter the movie files to xbmc when i go to movies there is a set called "none" which i have to open to view my movie collection
its a minor issue i know but slightly irratating after spending so much time arrangeing my collection so it would finally be correct,
any ideas please?
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Help with m/c and xbmc sets pls Empty
PostSubject: fixed   Help with m/c and xbmc sets pls Icon_minitimeTue Oct 11, 2011 4:29 pm

All fixed now, it turns out the version of media companion i had updated to changed the set
which xbmc actually reads as a set named none, instead of no set if that makes sense
anyhow, i changed to an older version of mc, selected my entire movie collection 1847 films, and re-set them to the set
now its all working fine,
just thought i would post in case anyone else hits the same problem
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Help with m/c and xbmc sets pls
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