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 Getting the stuff into the XMBC Library???

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Getting the stuff into the XMBC Library??? Empty
PostSubject: Getting the stuff into the XMBC Library???   Getting the stuff into the XMBC Library??? Icon_minitimeMon Oct 10, 2011 10:36 am


I have got everything working well, all movie info scraped and in their folders, and showing up in the file section of XMBC. (which is not good for viewing as each one is in a individual folder).

However the only way to get the movies to show up in library mode I have worked out is to set content to th MovieDB and then the after scraping from here XBMC puts it all into the library. However by doing this it does not allow for any further updates that I make in MC.

There must be a way, how do I keep the ability to include updates from MC and have all the movies show up in the XBMC Library???

Thanks A Lot
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Getting the stuff into the XMBC Library???
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