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 He wasn't satisfied with just outwittin' her

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He wasn't satisfied with just outwittin' her Empty
PostSubject: He wasn't satisfied with just outwittin' her   He wasn't satisfied with just outwittin' her Icon_minitimeThu Nov 03, 2011 6:12 pm

He wasn't satisfied with just outwittin' her. He was sore the way she had acted, tryin' to grab off his pay. And he made up his mind he'd get even. Well, he waited till Evans's Circus was advertised to come to town. Then he told his wife and two kiddies that he was goin' to take them to the circus. The day of the circus, he told them he would get the tickets and meet them outside the entrance to the tent.
Well, he didn't have no intentions of bein' there or buyin' tickets or nothin'. He got full of gin and laid round Wright's poolroom all day. His wife and the kids waited and waited and of course he didn't show up. His wife didn't have a dime with her, or nowhere else, I guess. So she finally had to tell the kids it was all off and they cried like they wasn't never goin' to stop.

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He wasn't satisfied with just outwittin' her
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