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 Emperor Trajan advised

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Emperor Trajan advised  Empty
PostSubject: Emperor Trajan advised    Emperor Trajan advised  Icon_minitimeSun Nov 13, 2011 5:33 pm

From its first appearance to its legalization under Constantine, Christianity was an illegal religion in the eyes of the Roman state.[3] For the first two centuries of its existence, Christianity and its practitioners were unpopular with the people at large.[4] Christians were always suspect,[3] members of a "secret society" whose members communicated with a private code[5] and who shied away from the public sphere.[6] It was popular hostility—the anger of the crowd—which drove the earliest persecutions, not official action.[4] In Lyon in 177, it was only the intervention of civil authorities that stopped a pagan mob from dragging Christians from their houses and beating them to death. The governor of Bithynia–Pontus, Pliny, was sent long lists of denunciations by anonymous citizens, which Emperor Trajan advised him to ignore.[7]

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