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 danish letters ?

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PostSubject: danish letters ?   danish letters ? Icon_minitimeSun Nov 30, 2008 9:35 pm


I am a new user of this very nice piece of software Very Happy

But i am having a small problem with the danish letters Æ Ø Å

When i try to edit the plots with a danish plot, then the danish letters
come out like this:




I can see from the header on the nfo file this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

But how should i be able to have the danish letters in the plots for my movies ?

Do i have to open all of my nfo files and then save them to ANSI everytime a have a movie saved by this software or
did i miss something ?

Rolling Eyes
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PostSubject: Re: danish letters ?   danish letters ? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 04, 2008 7:16 am

fimo wrote:

I am a new user of this very nice piece of software Very Happy

But i am having a small problem with the danish letters Æ Ø Å

When i try to edit the plots with a danish plot, then the danish letters
come out like this:




I can see from the header on the nfo file this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

But how should i be able to have the danish letters in the plots for my movies ?

Do i have to open all of my nfo files and then save them to ANSI everytime a have a movie saved by this software or
did i miss something ?

Rolling Eyes

UTF-8 should work ok with these characters.

Are they saved correctly in the nfo file, if not could you give me an example of a movie that doesn't scrape these chrs properly
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