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 How to scrape nfo's of TV Shows under main map

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How to scrape nfo's of TV Shows under main map Empty
PostSubject: How to scrape nfo's of TV Shows under main map   How to scrape nfo's of TV Shows under main map Icon_minitimeWed Dec 03, 2008 12:19 am

I really love this program.. WHen you figure it out it really does a great job..

One problem, I moved my movies and tv shows to a new map.

So now it is: u:\media\media\movies or u:\media\media\tv shows

Before it the two types were one map up. To obtain tv nfo's I had to manually add each TV show with the action "add root folder". If you have over 30 tv shows, this is a really annoying job. Everything worked after I did this.

So now since I moved it one map down, It seems I have to do all again.. Either change the xml file or adding manually all tv shows..

Why is the program not able to scan e.g. u:\media\media\tv shows and then add all the tv shows with their specific seasons??

Isn't this the end goal of the program.. Or am I mistaken, and do I either move everything back or add manually...

I really hope there is an another solution
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flipped cracker
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flipped cracker

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How to scrape nfo's of TV Shows under main map Empty
PostSubject: Re: How to scrape nfo's of TV Shows under main map   How to scrape nfo's of TV Shows under main map Icon_minitimeMon Dec 08, 2008 10:40 pm

the program does scan like you want it to. you just need to add the root folder as "u:\media\media\tv shows" and not as each specific show folder.
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How to scrape nfo's of TV Shows under main map
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