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 Maharaj Ji's press conference

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Maharaj Ji's press conference Empty
PostSubject: Maharaj Ji's press conference   Maharaj Ji's press conference Icon_minitimeFri Nov 18, 2011 10:28 am

In June 1974, the DLM's Divine Times newspaper printed an analysis of the press coverage. It criticized articles written about the festival, saying they portrayed Maharaj Ji as materialistic whose followers were misguided. The only article it approved of was in a children's magazine. The review also admitted that the DLM had made a number of mistakes and that the press relations were improper and inept. Carole Greenberg, head of DLM Information Services, said, "We took something subtle and sacred and tried to market it to the public." She said the press had done the movement a favor by holding up a mirror that showed "the garbage we gave them". The article went on to say that the greatest botch was Guru Maharaj Ji's press conference.[93]
[edit] Press conference

Maharaj Ji's press conference, hastily arranged for the morning of Friday, November 9,[52] was noted for leaving the reporters frustrated and hostile because of what they described as flippant, manipulative, and arrogant answers, and because of an effort to pack the room with supporters.[23][93][100] Several dozen followers, mostly foreign, jostled reporters, asked long and complimentary questions, and shouted "Boli Shri" or "Jai Satchitanand" following the answers.[23][52][93] According to the Divine Times some of the reporters acted like "district attorneys interrogating a hostile witness".[93] A reporter from Newsweek complained that the evasive responses reminded him of a recent Watergate press conference with White House Press Secretary Ron Ziegler, while another observer called it "Nixonian"

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