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 adding parent TV Shows folder

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PostSubject: adding parent TV Shows folder   adding parent TV Shows folder Icon_minitimeTue Sep 23, 2008 3:30 pm

hi man, i have another suggestion... sorry for annoying you so much... lol

a lot of xbmc users separates every tv show in a folder, and all this folders in a folder like "TV Shows", so, it would be nice if was possible to add the parent folder, to add all the subfolders... instead of adding one by one...

think thats possible?

thanks man
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PostSubject: Re: adding parent TV Shows folder   adding parent TV Shows folder Icon_minitimeTue Sep 23, 2008 8:24 pm

I'm not sure about this.

The reason for the current method is that the basic TV Show nfo needs to exist before it can be used. If I was to enable what you ask then it would still be neccesary to go through each tvshow manually and scrape the correct one.

Once the TV Show editor is working properly then I may think about changing it.
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PostSubject: Re: adding parent TV Shows folder   adding parent TV Shows folder Icon_minitimeThu Sep 25, 2008 8:16 am

I'd really like to see this implemented, as I also mentioned in my post on XBMC forums: It's about the only thing I find cumbersome about the program right now. Adding each TV show separately is very tedious. Add to that the fact that Media Companion (just yesterday) removed all the TV shows I'd already setup because it couldn't connect to my network drive at the time, and now I REALLY want to be able to just add the parent folder. (BTW, I think perhaps you could think about changing that default behavior of automatically removing paths from the config file if they can't be reached.)

But if you don't think it's feasible to allow adding the parent folder, then I would like to suggest a couple of small things to at least streamline the action of adding shows.

1. After selecting a folder to add, Media Companion asks if you would like to create the tvshow.nfo now - Seems to me there's no real point in asking this question. Might as well just assume the answer is 'Yes' and move to the next process of looking up the show on TVDB. Which leads to my 2nd suggestion...

2. At the next screen, we are shown what the program has parsed as the show name, and a 'Go' button. I'd rather the program not bother me and just go ahead and 'Go' with the name it has parsed. If the resulting TVDB matches aren't correct, I could then review the name and modify it if necessary.
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adding parent TV Shows folder Empty
PostSubject: Re: adding parent TV Shows folder   adding parent TV Shows folder Icon_minitimeFri Oct 03, 2008 12:35 am

I completely agree with dzerovibe and febox about seeing this feature implemented. I have 60 TV Shows and I haven't even bothered to add them just because it'd be so cumbersome.

I also think dzerovibe makes 2 more great points.
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adding parent TV Shows folder Empty
PostSubject: Re: adding parent TV Shows folder   adding parent TV Shows folder Icon_minitimeFri Oct 03, 2008 11:49 am

I think you are right about this, I was never really happy about the current method, and it could do with reworking, and to be honest I didn't anticipate network drives.

What would you think of the following :-

1) Add the root folder containing multiple TV Shows
2) Loop through the added shows, if a TV Show contains no nfo file then create a blank nfo, and Scrape only the TVDBID, then prompt the user if there is more than one entry.
3) If the nfo exists, but is missing a TVDBID then as above but ammend the existing nfo to include TVDBID
4) Repeat 1-3 until all TV Folder Roots have been added.
5) Now that all the TV Shows have been added now the details, posters, fanarts, season thumbs, can be scraped automatically, with no user intervention needed.

The reason I think it may be best to do it like this is the time factor, already scraping information for TVDB, getting fanarts, getting posters, and from the next version, there will also be season thumbs downloaded to the folder. Using the above method people could add the initial tvshow details very quickly then leave it running on auto to do the rest.
On startup it would be easy to just ignore missing/offline folders. But the program would need to be restarted if the drive was later added.
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adding parent TV Shows folder Empty
PostSubject: Re: adding parent TV Shows folder   adding parent TV Shows folder Icon_minitimeSat Oct 04, 2008 1:45 am

I think that sounds great. I can't think of any improvement. I like the idea of having it to a quick TVDBID scrape so the user can select the correct TV shows before it continues to scrape all of the episode/season information
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adding parent TV Shows folder Empty
PostSubject: Re: adding parent TV Shows folder   adding parent TV Shows folder Icon_minitimeMon Oct 13, 2008 7:43 am

is it possible to add folders in this manner?

adding parent TV Shows folder Idrive2

Reason I say this, I have a huge TV folder and dont want to add a couple of shows (as some filenames are up the sht and cbf chaning them, and dont care if they arnt in XBMC)

This way I could select the root TV folder, and then just untick 2 folders within it.
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PostSubject: Re: adding parent TV Shows folder   adding parent TV Shows folder Icon_minitime

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