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 The "Use Available Fanart as Background" setting is ignored (or hard on)

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The "Use Available Fanart as Background" setting  is ignored (or hard on) Empty
PostSubject: The "Use Available Fanart as Background" setting is ignored (or hard on)   The "Use Available Fanart as Background" setting  is ignored (or hard on) Icon_minitimeMon Dec 22, 2008 9:31 am


I tried the background setting and found it too distracting so turned it off, unfortunately the background is still being displayed.

From what I can see these are the relevant settings:

* Unchecked: Use Available Fanart as Background (seems to be ignored)
* Unchecked: Enable Fanart Slideshow (this didn't seem to work when I tried it)
* 150: Transparency setting (works but doesn't apply to whole image so not much use)

Retested on todays 2.079 release.
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The "Use Available Fanart as Background" setting  is ignored (or hard on) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The "Use Available Fanart as Background" setting is ignored (or hard on)   The "Use Available Fanart as Background" setting  is ignored (or hard on) Icon_minitimeMon Dec 22, 2008 11:21 am

I just noticed that although "Scrape Fanart for Movies" is unchecked, it does scrape them and add them to my background (sigh...).
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The "Use Available Fanart as Background" setting  is ignored (or hard on) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The "Use Available Fanart as Background" setting is ignored (or hard on)   The "Use Available Fanart as Background" setting  is ignored (or hard on) Icon_minitimeMon Dec 22, 2008 4:13 pm

Just some code needs updating, i'll fix the fanart options later today,

except for the slideshow setting, I think i'm taking it out, I dont want people raping TMDb, and it going the way of melligrove

The transparency option is only to make the fanart visible through the controls and is working properly.
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The "Use Available Fanart as Background" setting  is ignored (or hard on) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The "Use Available Fanart as Background" setting is ignored (or hard on)   The "Use Available Fanart as Background" setting  is ignored (or hard on) Icon_minitime

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The "Use Available Fanart as Background" setting is ignored (or hard on)
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