Changes Since Version 2.079
Fixed - System.NullreferenceExeption when the program tries to display a just generated nfo for "XIII"
Fixed - XIII is displayed in the List (Movie Title) as "XIII"
Fixed - Movie Title WALL-E is being scraped & displayed as WALL&# 183;E
Fixed - Fanart displays even if the preference "Use available fanart for background" was unchecked
Fixed - Fanart would still download even if the preference "Scrape Fanart for Movies" was unchecked
Fixed - During an automatic movie scan the movie.tbn file would download the previously scanned movies fanart.
Improvements :-
The IMDB Title Scraper has been tweaked and should be more likely to get the correct movie, especially if the year is included in the filename.
The Internet Movie Poster Awards Scraper has been tweaked to allow for much greater accuracy. The scraper first attempts a search using the IMDB returned title and date, if it returns a valid url then this is used, if not then the search is repeated without the date. This method returns a much greater percentage of correct movie posters. This also applies to the movie poster browser.
You may have noticed in the last couple of versions that an option has been added to list the movies by either Title or Filename/Foldername, whatever this is set at when you close the program is now saved as a preference.
For your Information, I have tested the following with Media Companion 2.085, this list includes a number of random titles, movies with remakes and movies that people have reported issues with.
Using filenames
10,000 BC.avi
310 to Yuma.avi
2001- A Space Odyssey.avi
Batman (1989).avi
Batman Begins.avi
Bug (2006).avi
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992).avi
Crash (2004).avi
Dark Knight.avi
Definitely Maybe.avi
Don't come knocking.avi
Father of the Bride (1950).avi
Father of the Bride (1991).avi
fun with dick and jane (1977).avi
fun with dick and jane (2005).avi
Ice Age The Meltdown.avi
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956).avi
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978).avi
Jackie Brown.DVDRip.cd1.avi
Jackie Brown.DVDRip.cd2.avi
mamma cd1 mia.avi
mamma cd2 mia.avi
Outpost (2008).avi
Planet of the Apes (1968).avi
Planet of the Apes (2001).avi
Road House 2 - Last Call (2006).avi
Short Circuit(1986).avi
Snow Angels (2007).avi
The Art of Travel (2008).avi
The Goonies.avi
The Ladykillers (2004).avi
The Ladykillers [1955].avi
TMNT (2007).ogm
All but XIII.avi returned the correct movie details, fanart when available and poster (most from Internet Movie Poster Awards)
XIII returns a blank nfo file, the reason for this is that IMDB flags it as a TV miniseries. I deliberately filter those out of the search results for purposes of accuracy. It should be noted that a blank nfo file is created for XIII.avi and it can be manually scraped without issue.
The multi-part movies in the above list only scraped once and returned fanart and posters usinf the correct stack names.
Using Folder Names :-
Movies\12 Monkeys\VIDEO_TS\VIDE0_TS.IFO
Movies\50 First Dates\ergergregerg.avi
Movies\The Detanotor\test.avi
Movies\Immortel (ad vitam)\regfrewg.avi
Movies\As Good As It Gets\gfyufyuf.avi
Movies\You, Me and Dupree (2006)\wewegwega.avi
Movies\You, Me and Dupree (2006)\wewegwegb.avi
Movies\The Dark Knight\fqef cd1.avi
Movies\The Dark Knight\fqef cd2.avi
The above all scraped 100% correctly, with the bottom 2 correctly identifying that they were multipart movies.