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 renaming to new xbmc stacking standard

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renaming to new xbmc stacking standard Empty
PostSubject: renaming to new xbmc stacking standard   renaming to new xbmc stacking standard Icon_minitimeWed Dec 24, 2008 5:23 pm

I am using 2.085
Every time I launch the programe it asks if I want to rename to the new stacking standard. Somehow in the previous versions the programe did create the new format "movie-fanart" but it failed to delete the old format "movie-cd1-fanart". Basically I now have both formats (old and new) in my directories for each movie. I tested this and both formats are in a directory in verion 2.085, the program does not delete the old format. It only now deleteds the old format if it creates the new format.

Is it possible to change this behavior and let the program delete the old fanart format if it detects whilts there is already a new format in the directory? otherwise I will be chaning plus 200 files manually.

anwyway thanks alot.
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renaming to new xbmc stacking standard
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