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 Plot descriptions from netflix

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PostSubject: Plot descriptions from netflix   Plot descriptions from netflix Icon_minitimeSun Jan 18, 2009 8:42 am

Again, i really like the software. Would you consider adding the ability to grap plots from The site just uses a query string for searches. The plots are much smaller and are somewhat consistent in style. The shorter plots are displayed better on most skins.
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PostSubject: Re: Plot descriptions from netflix   Plot descriptions from netflix Icon_minitimeSun Jan 18, 2009 3:06 pm

Maybe in a while.

I'm waiting a few days for big reports on the latest version (2.107)

Once it looks like everything is working OK then i'm starting a rewrite of the TV show handler, at the moment adding tv shows is painful and browsing them is very slow. Until this is complete I wont be implementing any new features.
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Plot descriptions from netflix
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