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 Suppressing empty NFOs

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Suppressing empty NFOs Empty
PostSubject: Suppressing empty NFOs   Suppressing empty NFOs Icon_minitimeFri Jan 23, 2009 8:06 pm

Now that XBMC has added <excludefromscan> to advancedsettings.xml I have a problem with XBMC companion. I exclude all files via regular expression that are sort-of like 'Extras ...'. This works fine if there is no nfo file. If there is, there are a bunch of empty entries in the library mode. This is, of course, the exact opposite of what I want to achieve. The companion log shows 'saving empty nfo' and I have to manually do a search and delete them every time I do a scan.

Is there a way to talk the program out of doing that?
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Suppressing empty NFOs
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