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 Screen Resolutions

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PostSubject: Screen Resolutions   Screen Resolutions Icon_minitimeSat Jan 24, 2009 10:55 pm

What is the optimum screen res for the program. I currently have 1920X1200 and it cuts the bottom and the right off a tad. The scroll bar on the movie list show about half the box for the down arrow.
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PostSubject: Re: Screen Resolutions   Screen Resolutions Icon_minitimeSun Jan 25, 2009 12:20 am

Wizerd wrote:
What is the optimum screen res for the program. I currently have 1920X1200 and it cuts the bottom and the right off a tad. The scroll bar on the movie list show about half the box for the down arrow.


We just recently had that discussion so I know the answer, it looks like Media Compantion and/or Windows doesn't work well with a large font size:

1. Right click desktop -> Properties
2. Appearnace tab -> Font Size

May or may not have to reboot after you change it to "normal". This worked for me.

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PostSubject: Re: Screen Resolutions   Screen Resolutions Icon_minitimeSun Jan 25, 2009 1:35 am

I just had a look and it looks like the positioning of the combobox needs tweaking.

The arrow is slightly cut off at all resolutions.

I'll fix it for the next version.

The program will run in any resolution.

1024*768 is the lowest resolution it will run in without scrollbars, but it looks awful.
1280*960 looks reasonable
1680*1050 is the resolution I use and probably looks best at this resolution since its what I see.

1920X1200 should be fine.

DPI should be normal (96DPI), with normal font size, there seems to be an issue with .NET that causes problems with scaling for people using other DPI.
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PostSubject: Re: Screen Resolutions   Screen Resolutions Icon_minitime

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