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 v2.131 bug - when scanning for new movies & rar files

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v2.131 bug - when scanning for new movies & rar files Empty
PostSubject: v2.131 bug - when scanning for new movies & rar files   v2.131 bug - when scanning for new movies & rar files Icon_minitimeSat Jan 31, 2009 8:11 pm

As always, first many thanks for again un update!!

To test I added just one directory with a multipart rar movie with an .nfo file with an IMDB ID.
I hit "scan for new movies" and the movie is scraped and the .nfo file created perfectly.

I hit "scan for new movies" again and would expect MC to say "0 movies files found", but it will re-scape the movie (which we just scraped).

This behavior is only with rar files.


Edit: and when I enable "rename non compliant .nfo" the above behavior results in the existing .nfo (which is good) to be renamed to .info.
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v2.131 bug - when scanning for new movies & rar files Empty
PostSubject: Re: v2.131 bug - when scanning for new movies & rar files   v2.131 bug - when scanning for new movies & rar files Icon_minitimeSun Feb 01, 2009 2:48 am

Fixed in version 2.132. it's in the announcements forum
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v2.131 bug - when scanning for new movies & rar files
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