Yeah, sorry about that. Posted, then downloaded the latest build and realised you had HD flagging in the settings. lol. Having huge problems getting it to show in Stark. Have a clean 3 movie test library, latest svn xbmc and latest stark from github. MC is writing all the <tag> data correctly in the nfos, but only studios is showing up in stark. I actually tried using Media Flag Updater as well as MC, (to rename movie file names themselves. Limited success.
- MC is writing to separate <tags> in my nfos for vid, audio etc.. it isn't putting all that data into the <studio> tag like Media flag Updater and MIP seem have the option to do. Is that write? Can the new Aeon grab the info from those separate tags? Or did I miss something, it has been a long day! Actually thinking it might be best to wait til it's supported by XBMC in a later release.