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 Exporting Movies List in MC

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Exporting Movies List in MC Empty
PostSubject: Exporting Movies List in MC   Exporting Movies List in MC Icon_minitimeWed Apr 15, 2009 11:39 pm

I tried out the export movies to HTML list feature and it looks great with 1 exception, it seems to use the file names instead of the Clean folder names or Movie titles.

I notice in MC that you can choose to switch between file name and Movie Title for viewing in the main window, but there didn't seem to be an option to change the output for the HTML export, I think this would be a simple and useful change to be able to output with the Movie Titles instead of the filename as I don't want to rename 100's of files just to produce a readable list.

I also realize that it creates hyperlinks to the MDB site in the exported list, but it would be easier to just be able to read the list in a movie title format. Is there a way to do this now? I am using versions let me know if this is something that has already been added or could be added in a future version.

Thanks for a great free app.


EDIT: Updated to latest version fixed the issue.
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Exporting Movies List in MC
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