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 MC Suddenly stops scraping

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MC Suddenly stops scraping Empty
PostSubject: MC Suddenly stops scraping   MC Suddenly stops scraping Icon_minitimeMon May 04, 2009 5:47 am

OK, so a couple days ago MC worked fine. I've made no changes at all. But now it's not scraping new shows. There's no error message, it just stops. Here's my log: (Using Version 2.135)


TVDB Scraper Language is :- English
TVDB Scraper API Language Code is :- en
TVDB Scraper Episode Order Is Set At :- default
Overwrite Thumbnails Is :- True

Starting Scan For New TV Epsiodes

Actors to Be Scraped From TVDB
10 New Episodes Found

The Following episodes are in the queue:-

Found For TV Show :- Dollhouse, Episode :-f:\utorrent\tv\dollhouse\Dollhouse.S01E11.HDTV.XviD-DOT.nfo
Season :- 1
Episode :- 11
URL For Episode :-
TVDB API Returned Valid XML

So as you can see, it sees that I have 10 new episodes, but it only every scrapes that one, (and it scrapes that same one every time) but then it just stops. Doesn't say it can't find the other nine or anything like that. Just asks if I want to add those shows, I hit OK, and none of the new eps show up. Also, that one episode listed does not show up either.

I've checked, and tvdb is currently working.

Any help?
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MC Suddenly stops scraping Empty
PostSubject: Re: MC Suddenly stops scraping   MC Suddenly stops scraping Icon_minitimeTue May 05, 2009 1:51 pm

billyad2000 wrote:
I've just had a look at the TVDB API and have found the problem, it is an issue that will not occur anymore using the newer methods i'm in the process of implementing, however in the meantime I am fixing an older backup so that at least the tv scraper works, the version I am using is somewhere between 2.209 and 2.220 so some of the newer features are missing, but at least you will have the basics back.

I'll upload this at some point tomorrow (Today actually (Tuesday)) it is later than I thought

Check the "What's Going On?"-topic in the Announcements-subforum. Smile
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