Hi there and let me say sorry for the lengthy post beforehand.
I have a problem with scraping tv shows. It either returns the wrong number of shows or it includes the sample directory in the scrape results.
I´m running MC version 2.291.
My directory setup is like this:
SERIES\Series name\Season ##\Standard "scene" folder naming(Lie.to.Me.S01E01.HDTV.XviD-2HD for instance).
7 of the 11 shows have a subfolder called Sample. When trying to scrape the show lie to me, MC is saying scraping X of 18 shows in the bottom statusbar, although i only have 11 in my list.
Heres the config.xml
- Code:
<tvshowfolder>E:\RAR\SERIES\Lie To Me</tvshowfolder>
<moviethumbpriority>Internet Movie Poster Awards|themoviedb.org|Movie Poster DB|IMDB</moviethumbpriority>
<certificatepriority>MPAA|UK|USA|Ireland|Australia|New Zealand|Norway|Singapore|South Korea|Philippines|Brazil|Netherlands|Malaysia|Argentina|Iceland|Canada (Quebec)|Canada (British Columbia/Ontario)|Canada (Alberta/Manitoba/Nova Scotia)|Peru|Sweden|Portugal|South Africa|Denmark|Hong Kong|Finland|India|Mexico|France|Italy|Switzerland (canton of Vaud)|Switzerland (canton of Geneva)|Germany|Greece|Austria</certificatepriority>
Heres the scrape log:
Scrape logSo as you can see it scans episode 1-7 twice which is the ones that have a sample folder in them, and all the sample .avi files has the word "sample" somewhere in the filename, which should be ignored according to billyad:s post here:
https://billyad2000.darkbb.com/xbmc-media-companion-help-and-useage-f5/a-basic-how-to-t393.htm - Quote :
- In addition to all of the above, Files with "sample" or "trailer" in the filename are ignored.
But here comes another confusing part, episode 1 and 2 was scraped twice, but appear 4 times in the list, episodes 3-7 appear twice as expected(scraped twice) and 8 showing once and then 9 appears twice and then 10 and 11 are back to showing once.
So is there a setting that i´ve missed or misconfigured? I have tried a few variations but i get the same results every time