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 Use with Xbox XBMC (scraping TV\Movies)

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PostSubject: Use with Xbox XBMC (scraping TVMovies)   Use with Xbox XBMC (scraping TV\Movies) Icon_minitimeTue Oct 07, 2008 2:49 pm

First & foremost, EXCELLENT WORK on the app mate! I am in the process of posting a link to this site up on my local xbox forum.

i tried the app(1.827) & cant really get it to work properly with TV Shows the way I was hoping. Do the TV Shows need to be in a special Folder\filename structure for it to scrape correctly ?

Currently my structure is as follow:

\## TV ##\Prison Break\Season 4\Prison Break - 04x07.avi

I dont bother having the name of the episode in the filename. Do I have to add each seperate show's folders in the pref page?

I noticed with the Media Stream skin, it also has Season Thumbs & also episode Thumbs, does this app support these?

Movies works flawlessly Smile Its just TV Shows is a bit tricky for me. Are there any guides written for this app ?

Obviously my aim is to have all xbox's in my house running the Media Stream skin - and have them all read the ONE SOURCE of nfo/thumbs/fanarts/season thumbs ALL from the PC.


P.S. Also as a side note, are you guys using this app in collaboration with Media Stream Skin on the xbox ? (How well do they work together?)

Last edited by katz on Tue Oct 07, 2008 4:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Use with Xbox XBMC (scraping TV\Movies)   Use with Xbox XBMC (scraping TV\Movies) Icon_minitimeTue Oct 07, 2008 4:08 pm

The filenaming convention you are using is fine.

You need to add your TV Folders from the preferences window, one at a time. In your case this would be the "Prison Break" folder
The program will then check that there is a tvshow.nfo within this folder.
If there is not then you will be given the opertunity to create one. The program will also download a poster and available fanarts. Season Thumbs url's are saved within the tvshow.nfo and XBMC will download them.
If an nfo exists then it is checked to see if it contains a TVDBID, this is needed to scrape the episodes. If the nfo does not contain this then again the program will scrape this information and add it to the tvshow.nfo file. The nfo file is otherwise unaltered.

Once you have added all your TV Show folders save and exit the preferences window and select the TV Show radio button, you will be able to browse the TV Shows you have added, at this point episodes can be scraped by pressing the Green "+" button located at the top. All episodes missing nfo files will be scraped along with the screenshot (if available). If you have 1000s of episodes to scrape this can take a long time, make youself a cuppa.

It has been pointed out to me many times how cumbersome the above system is, adding one show at a time and then waiting several minutes to scrape and download all the artwork before you can add another.
As a result of this I am currently reworking the whole system, this should be ready within a week or so. For more information on what is going to be changing then have a look at the progress thread in the announcements forum.

nfo files are skin independent, XBMC normally populates its library(db) from various scrapers using the internet. When nfo, tbn, fanart, and folder.jpg files exist XBMC scrapes from these rather than from the internet. Any skin that can use the library will work fine.
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PostSubject: Re: Use with Xbox XBMC (scraping TV\Movies)   Use with Xbox XBMC (scraping TV\Movies) Icon_minitimeTue Oct 07, 2008 4:40 pm

AWESOME, cheers Smile

Lastly, once all the nfo etc have been created, am I right in saying I have to go into XBMC (File mode, not Library) and set the content of each folder ? Is this so when i switch to library mode it knows what im looking for?

I just tried all that and the TV shows arnt showing correctly in the media stream skin. I think my XBMC needs a refresh possibly. How do I delete my whole current library on the xbox ?

Thanks again so very much. I dont know how you do all this on your own!!! affraid
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PostSubject: Re: Use with Xbox XBMC (scraping TV\Movies)   Use with Xbox XBMC (scraping TV\Movies) Icon_minitimeTue Oct 07, 2008 9:01 pm

On the XBox platform it is all located in the userdata folder, this includes the DB's and the thumbnails, for some reason the information isn't always refreshed.
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PostSubject: Re: Use with Xbox XBMC (scraping TV\Movies)   Use with Xbox XBMC (scraping TV\Movies) Icon_minitime

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