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 .nfo file with a 0 byte count.

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.nfo file with a 0 byte count. Empty
PostSubject: .nfo file with a 0 byte count.   .nfo file with a 0 byte count. Icon_minitimeMon Jun 29, 2009 11:23 am

Love it. Recently scraped 360 of 600 movies successfully. Great product. Since Saturday 27th June a request to scan for for movies results in a scan taking place but creating *.nfo files with a value of 0 bytes. I am really keen to scrape the rest. Could this be an IMDb change or error causing this? Have tried different versions of both Media Companion and IMDB mirrors no success with this except the same consistent result..

Best regards,

Moved up to version 3.008 of media companion and it fixed the scraping bit admirably so I can get on with that. I very much like the new screen layout but cannot configure in my chosen media player. Solves my immediate problem so will use earlier versions of media player to play 'em. Thank you for he good work.

Last edited by dirkus1i on Tue Jun 30, 2009 2:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
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.nfo file with a 0 byte count. Empty
PostSubject: Re: .nfo file with a 0 byte count.   .nfo file with a 0 byte count. Icon_minitimeMon Jun 29, 2009 11:31 am

Check the announcements forum for the latest versions.
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.nfo file with a 0 byte count. Empty
PostSubject: Re: .nfo file with a 0 byte count.   .nfo file with a 0 byte count. Icon_minitimeThu Jul 30, 2009 3:33 pm

Have been following the media companion releases almost on a daily basis and trying them out. Only thing that concerns me is that the ability to play a selected movie has now been removed. Second only to media player I heart The KLM player which is great to review movies. Any chance of getting the play movie button back please.
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.nfo file with a 0 byte count. Empty
PostSubject: Re: .nfo file with a 0 byte count.   .nfo file with a 0 byte count. Icon_minitime

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.nfo file with a 0 byte count.
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