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 Please release a stable version

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4 posters
Human Potato
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PostSubject: Please release a stable version   Please release a stable version Icon_minitimeSun Jul 19, 2009 1:35 pm


I don't know what you have done to Media Companion, but after downloading version 3.039 I have had nothing but problems. Can you please tell me what the most stable version is? Unfortunately I deleted the version I had been using and can't remember what the version number was.

I know that there is constant pressure to add more and more features, but couldn't we first get a stable version that deals with movies only? The latest release is completely unusable for me, with un-checked exceptions and very bizzarre behaviour every time I try to do tasks that previous versions had no problems with, and I haven't changed my system in any way.
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PostSubject: Re: Please release a stable version   Please release a stable version Icon_minitimeSun Jul 19, 2009 9:28 pm

The most stable version is Media Companion gen2 3.039, install it into an empty directory and do not use any previous config files.

I've had a few bug reports about this version, but nothing remotely serious.

The only way bugs will be fixed is if
(a) I encounter them
(b) People actually report details of the bugs they are experiencing.

Since I have not encountered the problems you are experienceing, and you haven't reported the bugs you are encountering, then how can you expect me to fix them.
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PostSubject: Re: Please release a stable version   Please release a stable version Icon_minitimeMon Jul 20, 2009 5:53 am

Human Potato wrote:

I don't know what you have done to Media Companion, but after downloading version 3.039 I have had nothing but problems. Can you please tell me what the most stable version is? Unfortunately I deleted the version I had been using and can't remember what the version number was.

I know that there is constant pressure to add more and more features, but couldn't we first get a stable version that deals with movies only? The latest release is completely unusable for me, with un-checked exceptions and very bizzarre behaviour every time I try to do tasks that previous versions had no problems with, and I haven't changed my system in any way.

I have noticed that both the old and current versions of Media Companion have problems when:

(a) The CPU (machine) is busy
(b) The network is busy or intermittent
(c) The hard drive containing the movies is busy

These cause randomish issues and it could be .NET framework issues but I can't imagine that if that were the case anyone would be using .net to write anything, I think that MC:

(1) Doesn't know (or try in any way to check) network conectivity
(2) Has some very tiny timeout values for reading files etc !!??

I have also noticed that MC didn't pick up movie changes because of an issue with Explorer which once I cleared it found. The explorer issue is that for the last few months it keeps dying and displays a dialog about how it saved me (from a dep issue I think from memory), unfortunately although it says it terminated explorer from experience it hasn't UNTIL you respond to the dialog, I now leave this up until I'm ready. I mention this to indicate that environment issues in other parts of the system outside of MC have a large impact. A log of MC activity (perhaps defaulting to only exceptions) if it existed would go a long way to diagnosing (then fixing) these issues.
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Human Potato
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PostSubject: Re: Please release a stable version   Please release a stable version Icon_minitimeMon Jul 20, 2009 12:16 pm

Sorry about my earlier post, I had spent most of the night trying to get stuff to work and had run out of patience.

I guess the biggest problem is that when trying to change the movie from within the "Editor", the window that usually browses to IMDB says "The page Cannot be displayed . The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings. ". I disabled my firewall to be sure, but it still wouldnt work. My firefox browser however continues to function as normal.
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Human Potato
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PostSubject: Re: Please release a stable version   Please release a stable version Icon_minitimeMon Jul 20, 2009 12:26 pm

3.039 is the version I am having problems with.

I have tried to download an earlier version (that I had no problems with) but the link keeps coming up dead. Are the earlier versions no longer available?
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PostSubject: Re: Please release a stable version   Please release a stable version Icon_minitimeMon Jul 20, 2009 12:30 pm

Human Potato wrote:
I guess the biggest problem is that when trying to change the movie from within the "Editor", the window that usually browses to IMDB says "The page Cannot be displayed . The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings. ". I disabled my firewall to be sure, but it still wouldnt work. My firefox browser however continues to function as normal.

Are you downloading torrents or otherwise loading up the network? You could for example be over your routers connection limit. This will cause intermittent issues not only in MC but in your browser. Maybe FF works when you tested it or perhaps you are right and its not effected, perhaps MC has more simultanious connections open. Also perhaps try a different IMDB mirror (its configurable).
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Human Potato
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PostSubject: Re: Please release a stable version   Please release a stable version Icon_minitimeMon Jul 20, 2009 1:06 pm

I was going to test your theory, but now it won't even perform a media search so I have no movies available to change.

Never mind, it looks like me and Media Companion will be parting ways. It was fun while it lasted Wink

I'll check back in 6 months, till then I'll just use some simple xml code I wrote a while back.
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PostSubject: Re: Please release a stable version   Please release a stable version Icon_minitimeTue Jul 21, 2009 6:07 am

Before you quit completely, have you tried MC on another PC or internet connection.....

I have had none of the issue you speak of so perhaps before throwing it all away, a bit of a process of elimination might help.

Anyway its up to you of course..... Very Happy

I forgot to add, creating a txt file & changing the extension to a valid movie name ending in .avi is all you need to test MC

So you can add movies for testing very easily.....this also helps if you have your movies on a NAS for example & you suspect it may be the issue. Just create a folder locally & add some dummy movies, & add that folder to MC's config & confirm it can find them....

We all have different systems & locations so what works for 1 may not work for the other.....but if it's not working for you then its up to you to give us all a hand in trying to work out the end it will benefit us all don't you think & make MC a better program?

Hope to hear from you & I hope you stick around.

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Human Potato
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PostSubject: Re: Please release a stable version   Please release a stable version Icon_minitimeTue Jul 21, 2009 1:43 pm

Thanks for the suggestions, I will give it a go on my housemates laptop.
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PostSubject: Re: Please release a stable version   Please release a stable version Icon_minitimeWed Jul 22, 2009 11:20 am

Human Potato wrote:
Thanks for the suggestions, I will give it a go on my housemates laptop.

If you are using .NET 3.5 I think there are some updates required, in any case good idea to keep its version and update state in mind and mention when reporting issues (not sure of best way to determine this. If MC had an "about box" that would be a good place to display this info.

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PostSubject: Re: Please release a stable version   Please release a stable version Icon_minitime

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