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 Remember Last Window Position putting MC offscreen

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Junior Member
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Join date : 2009-04-15

Remember Last Window Position putting MC offscreen Empty
PostSubject: Remember Last Window Position putting MC offscreen   Remember Last Window Position putting MC offscreen Icon_minitimeTue Aug 11, 2009 3:51 pm

Ever since you added the feature to remember the last window position, almost everyday MC ends up with some ridiculous location set in the settings.xml and when I launch the application I can't see it on screen, only in the title bar at the bottom (so I know it's launched). Then I have to open the settings file manually and edit the values to something lower to make it appear back on screen. Then the cycle continues, these are the values it keeps setting in my config file:


I change these to 100 and 100 respectively and it will reappear properly on the screen. I use MC remotely with remote desktop a lot when I am at work, and wonder if this could be part of the reason for the wierd off screen positions being recorded. Anyways it would be nice if there was an option to toggle this feature on/off so I could stop it from saving the position off screen constantly.


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Remember Last Window Position putting MC offscreen
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