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 MC starts off screen and MovieCache handling

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MC starts off screen and MovieCache handling Empty
PostSubject: MC starts off screen and MovieCache handling   MC starts off screen and MovieCache handling Icon_minitimeThu Sep 10, 2009 10:37 am


I don't think this is related to my other issue but:

I didn't realise MC was running and started 2nd.

I closed both then restarted MC, it started off screen (not sure if thsi happend because I started 2nd, or just noticed it at this stage).

I could right click (on start bar icon) and maximise but couldn't get it to display unmaximized. I realised if it was selected but off screen the "move" option was available so movied it? Is this something MC can check for (being COMPLETELY off screen, probably OK if partially)?

During all this MC cleared the cache leaving it with:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <movie_cache />

MC started with "0 of 0 files", would it not be best to treat this as no cache and rebuild it automatically?

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MC starts off screen and MovieCache handling Empty
PostSubject: Re: MC starts off screen and MovieCache handling   MC starts off screen and MovieCache handling Icon_minitimeThu Sep 10, 2009 10:38 am

dbareis wrote:

I don't think this is related to my other issue but:

I didn't realise MC was running and started 2nd (should I be able to?).

I closed both then restarted MC, it started off screen (not sure if this happened because I started the 2nd, or if I just noticed it at this stage).

I could right click (on start bar icon) and maximise but couldn't get it to display unmaximized. I realised if it was selected but off screen the "move" option was available so I moved it with the arrow keys. Is this something MC can check for (being COMPLETELY off screen, probably OK if partially)?

During all this MC cleared the cache leaving it with:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <movie_cache />

MC started with "0 of 0 files", would it not be best to treat this as no cache and rebuild it automatically?

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MC starts off screen and MovieCache handling Empty
PostSubject: Re: MC starts off screen and MovieCache handling   MC starts off screen and MovieCache handling Icon_minitimeFri Sep 11, 2009 1:40 am

OK, not sure why the program is sometimes starting off screen, but i've added a check at start-up that will make sure that it is at least partially in screen bounds, on the x axis and fully on the y axis (So that the titlebar is always at least partially visible)

As for the start-up, your suggestion seems like a good idea so if no movies are loaded from the cache, a search will be performed. You will now have the option to reload movie cache, as long as the cache is intact then the list will be rebuilt from there, this should speed things up a bit until I've solved your issue.
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MC starts off screen and MovieCache handling Empty
PostSubject: Re: MC starts off screen and MovieCache handling   MC starts off screen and MovieCache handling Icon_minitimeFri Sep 11, 2009 9:23 am

billyad2000 wrote:
OK, not sure why the program is sometimes starting off screen, but i've added a check at start-up that will make sure that it is at least partially in screen bounds, on the x axis and fully on the y axis (So that the titlebar is always at least partially visible)

As for the start-up, your suggestion seems like a good idea so if no movies are loaded from the cache, a search will be performed. You will now have the option to reload movie cache, as long as the cache is intact then the list will be rebuilt from there, this should speed things up a bit until I've solved your issue.

I think the cache being cleared IN THIS CASE is unrelated to the other problem and occured because I accidently had two MC started, I think because the first was offscreen so I didn't realise it was running.

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MC starts off screen and MovieCache handling Empty
PostSubject: Re: MC starts off screen and MovieCache handling   MC starts off screen and MovieCache handling Icon_minitimeFri Sep 11, 2009 9:57 am

Ideally MC should check to see if it is already running & close itself if it avoid these type of issues. Perhaps something for the wish list. Laughing
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MC starts off screen and MovieCache handling Empty
PostSubject: Re: MC starts off screen and MovieCache handling   MC starts off screen and MovieCache handling Icon_minitimeFri Sep 11, 2009 10:17 am

Another wierd thing (no folder moving etc as far as I remember), clicking any Genre (that I tried) resulted in 0 movies matching that Genre (but didn't effect movie count), rebuilt movies and OK after that.
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MC starts off screen and MovieCache handling Empty
PostSubject: Re: MC starts off screen and MovieCache handling   MC starts off screen and MovieCache handling Icon_minitimeFri Sep 11, 2009 10:41 am

StormyKnight wrote:
Ideally MC should check to see if it is already running & close itself if it avoid these type of issues. Perhaps something for the wish list. Laughing

Done for next build
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MC starts off screen and MovieCache handling Empty
PostSubject: Re: MC starts off screen and MovieCache handling   MC starts off screen and MovieCache handling Icon_minitimeFri Sep 11, 2009 11:56 am

Thanks Billy!, just remembered another part of this that makes it more user freindly - if it finds another version running, could it bring that version to the front or unminimise it before it closes it self?

Thanks it will avoid the issue of MC seemingly not running....
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MC starts off screen and MovieCache handling Empty
PostSubject: Re: MC starts off screen and MovieCache handling   MC starts off screen and MovieCache handling Icon_minitime

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MC starts off screen and MovieCache handling
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