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 Problem with Watched/Unwatched function

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Problem with Watched/Unwatched function Empty
PostSubject: Problem with Watched/Unwatched function   Problem with Watched/Unwatched function Icon_minitimeSun Jan 10, 2010 10:41 pm

Hello all.

I set a bunch of movies (about 200) to "Watched" in Media Companion. I noticed that it gave a value of "1" to the playcount tag in the nfo file. Next, I went to xbmc, went to the source file containing the movies, set content to Movies, ticked autoscan and all the movies were successfully added to the library.

The problem I'm having is that when I choose "exclude watched" in xbmc, the movies are still showing up. If I go to one of the movies and manually set the movie as "watched" in the xbmc interface, it works - the movie dissapears. I assume that for some reason, when being scraped, xbmc did not pick up on the playcount tag.

Can anyone help with this?
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Problem with Watched/Unwatched function Empty
PostSubject: Re: Problem with Watched/Unwatched function   Problem with Watched/Unwatched function Icon_minitimeMon Jan 11, 2010 11:25 am

There was a problem with xbmc at some stage regarding this i dont no if it is or isn't still a problem with the more recent builds. Hopefully someone will have some more info for you.
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Problem with Watched/Unwatched function Empty
PostSubject: Re: Problem with Watched/Unwatched function   Problem with Watched/Unwatched function Icon_minitimeMon Jan 11, 2010 1:40 pm

I can't say for certain, but it appears that this feature has gone for good.

To start with XBMC looked at the <watched> tag, then they removed this tag and went with <playcount>.

Last I heard they had removed all support for this. Their reason was that all profiles(users), use the same nfo when scraping to the xbmc library, in this case all users would be limited to the one watched status. Say you had an account for your wife and kids, if an nfo for a movie is marked as watched by you in the nfo, then it will be tagged as watched for them also.

There is this this thread over at the xbmc forum, it seems that most people don't use multiple profiles and would like at least the option to keep the watched status for nfo files, but the devs at xbmc are pretty solid in that it will not be implemented.
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PostSubject: Re: Problem with Watched/Unwatched function   Problem with Watched/Unwatched function Icon_minitime

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