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 Batch Watched/Unwatched Flag

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Batch Watched/Unwatched Flag Empty
PostSubject: Batch Watched/Unwatched Flag   Batch Watched/Unwatched Flag Icon_minitimeSun Jan 17, 2010 5:32 am

I just went through my movie collection marking all of the movies I've watched as "watched". Basically I wanted to get down to a list of movies that I either haven't watched ever or haven't watched in a long time.

Anyway, it was difficult to do, because I had to go to each movie, click watched, and then go to the next movie.

What would be great is if in the movie list I could select multiple movies in the listbox and allow a right-click menu to do things to those movies.

So I could select 15 movies, right click on the selected movies and do "Mark Watched". This is very similar behavior to Microsoft Outlook where you can mark emails as read or unread.

I would think allowing this type of functionality would open up a lot more possibiltes. Maybe allowing things like rescrape - or really anything in the batch menu.
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Batch Watched/Unwatched Flag Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batch Watched/Unwatched Flag   Batch Watched/Unwatched Flag Icon_minitimeSun Jan 17, 2010 9:47 am

Agreed - I went through that same 'pain'.

That said, simply using the down arrow to work your way down the list and just keep you mouse on where the watched/unwatched button is and click where appropriate isn't too bad..
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Batch Watched/Unwatched Flag
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