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 NFO files and Media Companion 3.198

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NFO files and Media Companion 3.198 Empty
PostSubject: NFO files and Media Companion 3.198   NFO files and Media Companion 3.198 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 21, 2010 10:16 pm

Hi Guys,

First: I Think Media Companion is a great way of keeping my XBMC Movies and TV Series sorted and updated the way i want. Great and many thanks for that!
But, here comes the newbie question: I'm having a problem with the TV show: Mythbusters.
Got a whole Season 3 and 4. Season 3 is scene-tagged so with nfo files and correct folder names, filenames etc. Media Companion detects that one great.
But Season 4 is just a folder with avi's but, as far as i know, with correct naming: Mythbusters.S04E01.Blablabla.avi But Media Companion just doesn't know what to do with it, as i don't see the episodes show up. I can put em in folders but no effect.

Oh and another thing: when i REMOVE an .nfo file in the ones that got detected, it just doesn't detect 'em anymore.. so.. an nfo file with some kinda meta data in it is required?

Yet another thing: Do i turn of scraping in XBMC? I'm a little afraid XBMC is going to scrape everything again, which of course, is not needed.

Aight thanks for reading! Wink
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