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 mass scraping error - for the love of god

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mass scraping error - for the love of god Empty
PostSubject: mass scraping error - for the love of god   mass scraping error - for the love of god Icon_minitimeSat Mar 13, 2010 2:59 am

I ran my collection (near perfect) through Mc and re-scraped and turned about 500 files into the 82nd academy awards! wtf I tried rescrape nope, tried rebuild nope. when I hover over the movie title ie drunken master it says 82nd academy awards even after deleting all the nfo files

I can filter to musical which gets most of them but from their I cant even do a mass cut n paste
Please help!
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mass scraping error - for the love of god Empty
PostSubject: UPDATE   mass scraping error - for the love of god Icon_minitimeSun Mar 14, 2010 1:31 am

I have manualy removed all the files that are incorrectly displaying anto one folder. However even after I lan all nfo and tbn info they still display in xbmc and mc as academy awards, Its like they have been branded? I know nothing about meta data is this what this is?
any help?
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mass scraping error - for the love of god Empty
PostSubject: Re: mass scraping error - for the love of god   mass scraping error - for the love of god Icon_minitimeSun Mar 14, 2010 2:14 am

MC uses a cache to speed up the loading of the movie & Tv show information so I'm suspecting that after deleting the nfo's you need to perform a rebuild Movies. This will read in any nfo's that still exist & effectively remove any entries that no longer exist.

If you have removed the nfo's & then tried to update library on XBMC, XBMC will try & scrape the information from the internet since the nfo's do not exist.

Can you post the exact full path & filename of just one that is not working. We can then check ourselves & see how that goes.

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mass scraping error - for the love of god Empty
PostSubject: Re: mass scraping error - for the love of god   mass scraping error - for the love of god Icon_minitimeSun Mar 14, 2010 2:50 am

mass scraping error - for the love of god 1

hope this helpss there any other info you need. You can see why I am weird-ed out no nfo or tbn and it still comes up wtf! you can see at the bottom there is a nfo however i delete it and it automatically returns, with no scraping in between
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mass scraping error - for the love of god Empty
PostSubject: Re: mass scraping error - for the love of god   mass scraping error - for the love of god Icon_minitimeSun Mar 14, 2010 3:25 am

This bug has been reported:

I'm not sure why rescraping would result in this, as far as i can tell, the issue would only arise when scraping >50 movies without nfo files. The first 50 id's are found via google which works correctly, and movies already scraped correctly have the id located within the nfo so will also work correctly.

I'll be uploading a fix tomorrow.
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mass scraping error - for the love of god Empty
PostSubject: Re: mass scraping error - for the love of god   mass scraping error - for the love of god Icon_minitimeSun Mar 14, 2010 4:03 am

mass scraping error - for the love of god 22[img][/img]

mass scraping error - for the love of god 221

I have been getting a bit of this sorta stuff to with new version, none with a new verision

running win 7 64bit
6gig ram
hope it helps.
thanks for your help
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mass scraping error - for the love of god Empty
PostSubject: Re: mass scraping error - for the love of god   mass scraping error - for the love of god Icon_minitimeWed May 18, 2011 11:55 am

If you have removed the nfo's & then tried to update library on XBMC, XBMC will try & scrape the information from the internet since the nfo's do not exist.

Can you post the exact full path & filename of just one that is not working. We can then check ourselves & see how that goes.

If you have removed the nfo's & then tried to update library on XBMC, XBMC will try & scrape the information from the internet since the nfo's do not exist.

Can you post the exact full path & filename of just one that is not working. We can then check ourselves & see how that goes.
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PostSubject: Re: mass scraping error - for the love of god   mass scraping error - for the love of god Icon_minitime

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mass scraping error - for the love of god
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