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 v3.251 scraping new movies

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v3.251 scraping new movies Empty
PostSubject: v3.251 scraping new movies   v3.251 scraping new movies Icon_minitimeWed Mar 31, 2010 12:07 pm

I have renamed my movies like this

folder name = Movie name (year)
inside folder = Movie name.avi

When i search for new movies it brings up = Movie name (0000) on all of them.
This causes a lot of extra work though.
What i like with the tv show is that it gets the closest match and then has a verify button, definitely cool.

"This Movie has could not be identified by Media Companion, to add the movie manually, go to the movie edit page and select "Change Movie" to manually select the correct movie"
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v3.251 scraping new movies Empty
PostSubject: Re: v3.251 scraping new movies   v3.251 scraping new movies Icon_minitimeSun Apr 04, 2010 3:34 pm

I'm not sure why every movie would do that,
although I have seen it happen with the occasional movie.

It seems that on occasion google will block a search or at least not return any results, this issue is beyond my control.

From the next build the scraper has a double check that will attempt to get a result from imdb if google returns a blank.

As for accuracy, I would expect about in excess of 90% of identifications to be correctly identified, probably nearer 98% using your folder naming convention.

Also, although the filename should mostly return the correct title, since the folder also contains the movie year, have you selected the option to use Folder Names when scraping in the movie preferences.
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v3.251 scraping new movies
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