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 TV shows and ripping the DVDs problems

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TV shows and ripping the DVDs problems Empty
PostSubject: TV shows and ripping the DVDs problems   TV shows and ripping the DVDs problems Icon_minitimeFri May 14, 2010 8:49 pm

My experiences with both MC and XBMC have consisted of reading
Lifehacker for two days, so I have no solid experience in either.

I have been using the the setup:
/Movies/Movie 1
/Movies/Movie 2

And that works great.

Then I tried my TV shows:
/TV Shows/TV Show 1/Disc 1
/TV Shows/TV Show 1/Disc 2

However, I have ran into a problem. MC finds the shows, but does not find the episodes. And when I use XBMC
all it shows is an empty folder. I can right click it and play, but I would like to stream line it.

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TV shows and ripping the DVDs problems Empty
PostSubject: Re: TV shows and ripping the DVDs problems   TV shows and ripping the DVDs problems Icon_minitimeFri May 14, 2010 11:13 pm

Try this

/TV Shows/TV Show 1/Disc.s01e01e02e03e04
/TV Shows/TV Show 1/Disc.s01e05e06e07e08

and so on
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TV shows and ripping the DVDs problems Empty
PostSubject: Re: TV shows and ripping the DVDs problems   TV shows and ripping the DVDs problems Icon_minitimeSat May 15, 2010 12:09 am

Jocke69 thanks for the help but it didn't work.

Here's my procedure:

TV Shows -> Folders ->
Then I add the root folder (Show1) to the 'List of Separate Folders' panel.
Save Change -> Main Browser

Thats pretty much all I did for the movies but for some reason it isn't working.

MC still does not find the episodes, is it because of the '_TS' folders?

/TV Shows/TV Show 1/Disc 1/AUDIO_TS
/TV Shows/TV Show 1/Disc 1/VIDEO_TS

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TV shows and ripping the DVDs problems Empty
PostSubject: Re: TV shows and ripping the DVDs problems   TV shows and ripping the DVDs problems Icon_minitimeSat May 15, 2010 12:30 pm

you probobly have to rip your series dvd to iso or image files

/TV Shows/TV Show 1/Disc.s01e01e02e03e04.img
/TV Shows/TV Show 1/Disc.s01e05e06e07e08.img
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TV shows and ripping the DVDs problems Empty
PostSubject: Re: TV shows and ripping the DVDs problems   TV shows and ripping the DVDs problems Icon_minitimeSun May 16, 2010 7:04 am

Here is some more info on this, but Jocke69 is correct, the TV Shows need to be in the ISO container, where as movies are fine to be left as just VOB's in the Video_TS folders.

billyad2000 wrote:

According to those posts, it seems XBMC may not yet be capable of scraping tvshows that are in the VIDEO_TS format.

This post states that it works perfectly if you use an .iso container, it is a fairly simple process to create this type of file, either when ripping from DVD, or just converting the VIDEO_TS folder.

For ripping the dvd I use 'DVD Shrink' it can save the disk as either iso or dvd folders, it can also convert VIDEO_TS folders to an iso container.
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TV shows and ripping the DVDs problems Empty
PostSubject: Re: TV shows and ripping the DVDs problems   TV shows and ripping the DVDs problems Icon_minitimeWed May 18, 2011 11:53 am

TV Shows -> Folders ->
Then I add the root folder (Show1) to the 'List of Separate Folders' panel.
Save Change -> Main Browser
Pearl Bracelet
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PostSubject: Re: TV shows and ripping the DVDs problems   TV shows and ripping the DVDs problems Icon_minitime

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