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 DVDs stored in folders (VIDEO_TS etc)

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Human Potato
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DVDs stored in folders (VIDEO_TS etc) Empty
PostSubject: DVDs stored in folders (VIDEO_TS etc)   DVDs stored in folders (VIDEO_TS etc) Icon_minitimeTue Feb 24, 2009 7:25 am

Hi Guys,

I currently have 300 movies which I have ripped into folders. The structure is as follows:

movie 1
movie 2
movie 3

... and so on

If I have .NFO and .TBN files for each movie, where do I store them? Currently, I use MC for movies that did not scrape properly from IMDB, and I convert them to an .ISO but I would like to avoid having to do that for every movie. Is there any way to use MC for correcting movie information and thumbnails while keeping them as separate folders rather than encoding them all as .ISO's ?
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DVDs stored in folders (VIDEO_TS etc) Empty
PostSubject: Re: DVDs stored in folders (VIDEO_TS etc)   DVDs stored in folders (VIDEO_TS etc) Icon_minitimeTue Feb 24, 2009 9:12 pm

Enable DVD folders in the preferences

If MC finds a VIDEO_TS.IFO then it looks for the first folder in the heirarchy not called VIDEO_TS and uses this foldername for the movie title, eg:-

The Italian Job (2003)/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO
The Italian Job (2003)/VIDEO_TS.IFO

Both would return details for "The Italian Job (2003)" and would store the following files in the same folder as the VIDEO_TS.IFO file is located.
VIDEO_TS-fanart.jpg (if available)

The above are found by XBMC

Vob files will be ignored if they are in the same directory as a VIDEO_TS.IFO file

None of the above is case sensitive.

Reminder - Enable DVD Folders in the preferences.
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Human Potato
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DVDs stored in folders (VIDEO_TS etc) Empty
PostSubject: Re: DVDs stored in folders (VIDEO_TS etc)   DVDs stored in folders (VIDEO_TS etc) Icon_minitimeThu Feb 26, 2009 1:02 pm

Thanks very much, that worked great and saved me a whole lot of work !
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DVDs stored in folders (VIDEO_TS etc) Empty
PostSubject: Re: DVDs stored in folders (VIDEO_TS etc)   DVDs stored in folders (VIDEO_TS etc) Icon_minitimeThu Feb 26, 2009 5:55 pm

Human Potato wrote:
Thanks very much, that worked great and saved me a whole lot of work !

The program is great. So I can only say to everyone, if you like it give the guy a donation to show your appreciation. He deserves it.
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DVDs stored in folders (VIDEO_TS etc) Empty
PostSubject: Re: DVDs stored in folders (VIDEO_TS etc)   DVDs stored in folders (VIDEO_TS etc) Icon_minitimeSat Feb 28, 2009 9:57 pm

On a related note I just noticed that my .nfo and other files are being stored in the video_ts folder. Call me anal but I feel that the video_ts folder should only contain the dvd files and all other files should be in the folder above. Can an option be added to choose where to store .nfo files when movie_name/Video_ts folder structure is used? Also the possibility of moving existing files to the correct location and deleting them from the video_ts folder.


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DVDs stored in folders (VIDEO_TS etc) Empty
PostSubject: Re: DVDs stored in folders (VIDEO_TS etc)   DVDs stored in folders (VIDEO_TS etc) Icon_minitimeSat Feb 28, 2009 10:32 pm

Dilligaf wrote:
On a related note I just noticed that my .nfo and other files are being stored in the video_ts folder. Call me anal but I feel that the video_ts folder should only contain the dvd files and all other files should be in the folder above. Can an option be added to choose where to store .nfo files when movie_name/Video_ts folder structure is used? Also the possibility of moving existing files to the correct location and deleting them from the video_ts folder.



Several reasons I can't do that

Firstly, many people just use a single folder for DVD movies eg.
Movieroot/Moviename1/DVD files.ifo etc
Movieroot/Moviename2/DVD files.ifo etc

Secondly, if I was to ignore the above then and placed the files 1 level higher then, XBMC would not be able to scrape them.
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PostSubject: Re: DVDs stored in folders (VIDEO_TS etc)   DVDs stored in folders (VIDEO_TS etc) Icon_minitime

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DVDs stored in folders (VIDEO_TS etc)
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