short question here on filnaming and multilanguage files.
Is there any stnadard or imdb naming convention to mark a movie's title for a file with non-english audio, in order to make it instantly "recognizable" to the reader and to scrapers alike. I mean there are movienames that are equal in title for the english and the german, so i look for a way to "visualize" just that? Like with a "[DE]" suffix or But everything i tried seems to get scraper requests confused in too many cases.
And while beeing at it, how would you guy's treat multilanguage movies? In the case i described above i kept the title naming in german, but it's a shame that by doing this i don't instantly see that there's also english audio on board.
I also tried to have the titles named "germanMovieTitle - englishMovieTitle (date).extension", but that really got a mess when scraping files