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 Connection error caused empty .nfo files

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Connection error caused empty .nfo files Empty
PostSubject: Connection error caused empty .nfo files   Connection error caused empty .nfo files Icon_minitimeFri May 28, 2010 5:38 am


This program is amazing, every single one of my 460 movies scraped correctly.

Unfortunately, the last 100 or so happened during a temporary connection error - the MC seemed to have created .nfo's for each of the hundred movies but they're all empty and no information on the movie has been downloaded (like I said, my internet was temporarily down)

In the main browser the movie has been given a year of (0000) and the only way to change it that I've found is to manually change the movie: look it up on IMDB myself.

What I'd really like to do is batch rescrap all the movies it parsed during the connection error, but I can't seem to be able to. Is there any way around this, short of me deleting all the .nfo's it created (time-consuming) and asking it to scrap the whole folder again?

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Connection error caused empty .nfo files Empty
PostSubject: Re: Connection error caused empty .nfo files   Connection error caused empty .nfo files Icon_minitimeFri May 28, 2010 7:43 am

Sort by year, highlight the erroring files and then right click and re-scrape?
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Connection error caused empty .nfo files
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