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 Automatically DL Trailers? Thumbnail Support?

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Join date : 2010-06-30

Automatically DL Trailers?  Thumbnail Support? Empty
PostSubject: Automatically DL Trailers? Thumbnail Support?   Automatically DL Trailers?  Thumbnail Support? Icon_minitimeWed Jun 30, 2010 8:21 am

Just got into XBMC this week and MC is making the whole process go incredibly smoothly Wink There is only two problems; I cannot figure out how to get the scraper to automatically download the trailer for each movie. I can individually click the DL trailer button for each movie but that seems like it must be the hard/wrong way.

My other question is whether or not MC can scrape thumbnails for each movie, or if there is another program/website that makes this process easier. I am using the multiplex view in XBMC skin Aeon, and the thumbnail support looks amazing. I have individually found and added some thumbnails, but I want is a way that these thumbnails can be scraped and added to my movie folders automatically...and I am not even sure where said thumbnail database might be. Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated!
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Automatically DL Trailers? Thumbnail Support?
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