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 m2ts support, vob support

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PostSubject: m2ts support, vob support   m2ts support, vob support Icon_minitimeWed Nov 12, 2008 3:42 am

m2ts support, vob support

would be very nice.
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PostSubject: Re: m2ts support, vob support   m2ts support, vob support Icon_minitimeWed Nov 12, 2008 12:26 pm

Support for .vob has was added in version Version 1.994. Only vobs not in a dvd folder will be added. (By DVD Folder I mean one containing VIDEO_TS.IFO etc.)

I'll add support for m2ts
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PostSubject: Re: m2ts support, vob support   m2ts support, vob support Icon_minitimeSat Nov 22, 2008 10:19 pm

While you're adding m2ts, please add support for EVO file extensions as well. I snapped up quite a few fire-sale cheap HD-DVDs once the format started to die.

Love the program...
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PostSubject: Re: m2ts support, vob support   m2ts support, vob support Icon_minitimeWed Nov 26, 2008 11:13 pm

billyad2000 wrote:
Support for .vob has was added in version Version 1.994. Only vobs not in a dvd folder will be added. (By DVD Folder I mean one containing VIDEO_TS.IFO etc.)

I'll add support for m2ts

Can you clarify this? In my case I may have a folder with a movie name and within that folder an Audio_ts and Video_ts folder that contains my movie. They aren't being recognized right now. This is the format that DVDShrink rips them too before I switched to using ISO. Is there some other way that VOBs would be done? Frustrating to have like 600 movies not recognized and converting would be tough - especially since ISO takes up more storage space Sad


Edit: I've just found an option in settings for "enabling" Video_ts folders and am going to try it. May take awhile as I'm also doing TV shows!
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PostSubject: Re: m2ts support, vob support   m2ts support, vob support Icon_minitimeWed Nov 26, 2008 11:33 pm

Once that option is enabled it will create an nfo file for each VIDEO_TS.IFO file it finds, it will base the search name on the first folder above this that is not called VIDEO_TS (this is not case sensitive)

Movies\Dark Knight\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.IFO
Would search for "Dark Knight" and create the files -
Movies\Dark Knight\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.nfo
Movies\Dark Knight\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.tbn
Movies\Dark Knight\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS-fanart.nfo etc
or without the VIDEO_TS folder
Movies\Dark Knight\VIDEO_TS.IFO
Would search for "Dark Knight" and create the files -
Movies\Dark Knight\VIDEO_TS.nfo
Movies\Dark Knight\VIDEO_TS.tbn
Movies\Dark Knight\VIDEO_TS-fanart.nfo etc
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PostSubject: Re: m2ts support, vob support   m2ts support, vob support Icon_minitimeThu Nov 27, 2008 12:40 am

Will XBMC have issues in the first example when it does it's scan? Your tool is going through them now and it will be awhile but it does appear to be finding FAR more of them now! Hopefully once this is done and sorted I won't have the issues I do now with XBMC misidentifying things every time I do a scan cheers

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PostSubject: Re: m2ts support, vob support   m2ts support, vob support Icon_minitimeThu Nov 27, 2008 1:55 am

To be honest I can't say i've tested this with XBMC since all my DVDs are in ISO format.

I am told though that XBMC picks up these nfo's just fine.
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PostSubject: Re: m2ts support, vob support   m2ts support, vob support Icon_minitimeFri Nov 28, 2008 7:32 pm

Still sorting some of mine that tripped up your tool going through IMDB but when done I will test for you and report back then. One thing that occurred while I was away was the completion of the tool and the popping of a large number of windows allowing me to edit various NFO files. Not 100% clear to me why these popped except that some of these were certainly incorrect and this gives me an opportunity to correct them. However, at least one was way way way wrong - so wrong I cannot tell what the right one would be. Sadly there's no path in the dialog to allow me to look at what the title of the folder was in order to assist me in correcting it. Having a title in that dialog would be pretty helpful in this case - title of the dialog is Movie NFO Editor.

So far though it looks like you've saved me a GREAT deal of grief - I have over 700 movies in my collection and creating NFO files would not have been possibl;e by hand in any reasonable amount of time! affraid
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PostSubject: Re: m2ts support, vob support   m2ts support, vob support Icon_minitimeSat Nov 29, 2008 5:46 am

Welll.... Under Linux with the latest SVN if I try to pull up info for any file that has been processed by your tool - be it MKV HD or a DVD with VOB/IFO I get blank info for the page. for some odd reason the thumbnail doesn't even show in the list view Embarassed

If I remove your nfo files it will query the IMDB for me. I am going to pursue this on the XBMC board to see if I can figure it out. Can you verify the XML you create works fine on the XBOX version?
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PostSubject: Re: m2ts support, vob support   m2ts support, vob support Icon_minitimeSun Dec 07, 2008 5:52 am

Just to close the loop on this, saw what looked like possible weird permission issues on Linux. Wiped out all installs of XBMC, pulled from SVN again, compiled manually, used a make install, and now all appears fine.

The question concerning VOB/IFO format and NFO files - the way this tool works right now appears to work just fine! cheers Overall, tool is doing it's job well and the VOB/IFO format is working out fine. Yay!
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PostSubject: Re: m2ts support, vob support   m2ts support, vob support Icon_minitimeSun Dec 07, 2008 1:51 pm

BLKMGK wrote:
Welll.... Under Linux with the latest SVN if I try to pull up info for any file that has been processed by your tool - be it MKV HD or a DVD with VOB/IFO I get blank info for the page. for some odd reason the thumbnail doesn't even show in the list view Embarassed

If I remove your nfo files it will query the IMDB for me. I am going to pursue this on the XBMC board to see if I can figure it out. Can you verify the XML you create works fine on the XBOX version?

Glad you got it all sorted.

I was wondering how you are running this under Linux? I've had lots of emails about this and would like to let people know either way if this program can run properly with this OS.
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PostSubject: Re: m2ts support, vob support   m2ts support, vob support Icon_minitime

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