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 Bluray support

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Bluray support Empty
PostSubject: Bluray support   Bluray support Icon_minitimeSat Dec 17, 2011 10:22 pm


I'm looking forward to seeing support for Bluray folders with the following subfolder structure:


where the video streams can be found in the folder stream. At the moment Media Companion still ignores the folder "moviename" and looks up the video files using the name "stream".

Even if you tell MC to use folder names for scanning only, it still scans the subfolders and hence finds a lot of movies named "Stream"...

Nevertheless, I found a way to avoid the problem by packing the whole BDMV folder into an .iso image (ImgBurn does this for free, e.g.). In this case scraping works well. However I was disappointed, that XBMC could not handle the iso-containers. It does play DVD-images (also .iso), though. I tried several standards, but wasn't successful.

So it seems there are two ways to solve this problem:

- Implementing blu-ray stacking into Media Companion or simply implement a routine that omits all folders called "BDMV". Shouldn't be too hard.
- Finding a way to create XBMC-compatible .iso containers and wrap up all of the blurays into one single .iso file.

Any ideas?

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