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 "Insert DVD" AVIs being created in each movie folder.

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"Insert DVD" AVIs being created in each movie folder. Empty
PostSubject: "Insert DVD" AVIs being created in each movie folder.   "Insert DVD" AVIs being created in each movie folder. Icon_minitimeFri Jul 23, 2010 7:05 pm

All my movie files are ISO images. For a long time MC would scan and consider the ISO files the movie media. i.e. I would see the ISO information when I click on the File Details tab. Starting May 1 (I don't know why that date. I could have changed an option or I could have upgraded MC but I don't know now.) Each now movie would get a "moviename".avi file created in it's directory (that says to insert the DVD) and the File Details tab points to that AVI. How can I get the old behavior back where the ISO is considered the movie media and the AVI is not created?

Thanks for any help.
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"Insert DVD" AVIs being created in each movie folder. Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Insert DVD" AVIs being created in each movie folder.   "Insert DVD" AVIs being created in each movie folder. Icon_minitimeSun Jul 25, 2010 6:29 am

This behaviour is for movies classified as offline. In the preferences you have two main folder sections......

Movie Folders
Offline Movie Folders

Any folders in the offline section will be assumed to be offline i.e. a DVD or bluray so an avi is created so when it is selected in XBMC it ask you to load the media.

Also you can't mix offline & online movies in the same file structure, they need their our top level folders.

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"Insert DVD" AVIs being created in each movie folder.
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